These 5 Simple Techniques I Use When Solving Complex Problems

5 Effective Techniques for Problem-Solving in the Technology Domain

Sachin Shetty
4 min readApr 30, 2023
Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

Being in the technology domain, I've always felt it is essential to stay focused on finding solutions to problems. Play it like a game. As Naval says, "The Best Kind Of Work Feels Like Play To You But Looks Like Work To Others." Most of the time, we get overwhelmed at the start of the problem. But specific techniques come in handy to achieve the desired result.


Pomodoro technique. This is the foundation. I ensure I am not disturbed for 30, 45, or 90 minutes. I switch on the light music, which tells my brain Focus 'F' mode is on.
You'll sometimes have some hindrances, but the key here is to return to the 'F' mode quickly. As James Clear says, create a cue to trigger specific behaviors, i.e., create an environmental or a time-based cue to return to 'F' mode.

Make it fun

