An effective method to fix xinput1_3.dll is missing error

sachin saket
2 min readJul 25, 2019

The game that I was waiting tight for such a long time is, at last, has been discharged. What’s more, obviously I am discussing Tekken 7. Everybody who is into battling diversions ought to recall the first Tekken on PlayStation. Presently you can play it on different consoles just as on PC. At any rate, I’ve acquired the diversion on Steam and it took such a long time to introduce it. After the establishment, I’ve propelled the amusement and got framework blunder saying that xinput1_3.dll is absent from your PC if you don’t mind reinstalling the application to fix the issue. I truly would not like to reinstall the diversion and have attempted to reinstall DirectX and realistic drivers, however, it didn’t help. A while later, I simply squandered one more hour reinstalling the diversion which additionally didn’t support me.

Download xinput1_3.dll to fix missing dll file extension error.

Developer Company: Microsoft Corporation

Product name: Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

Description: Microsoft C Runtime Library

Filename: xinput1_3.dll

Version: 14.17.2020.0

Size: 65.7KB

In the wake of reaching Steam bolster, I was going to discount the diversion, since they revealed to me that the issue is on my PC and they can’t assist me with resolving the xinput1_3.dll is a missing blunder in Tekken 7. Since the diversion was discharged a couple of days prior, there isn’t much data and aides how to fix this blunder, so I began to look what is xinput1_3.dll and how to fix issues with this library. I found that xinput1_3.dll is missing mistake occurs in different amusements and projects on different Windows Operating frameworks. There are two different ways to fix the issue with xinput1_3.dll library. First is to reinstall the Operating System. Actually, I have no clue how to reinstall it and I would not like to squander my cash and convey my PC to the closest fix shop. In this way, I selected the second alternative, which is physically introducing xinput1_3.dll library on your PC with open dll file. Above all else you have to download the library from here: Then, essentially adhere to the established guidelines on the site and you will dispose of xinput1_3.dll is absent from your PC mistake in Tekken 7. Don’t hesitate to like and impart this manual for your companions.

