JSA NV Diesel 3-Wheeler: Power & Efficiency | BestGaddi

2 min readFeb 5, 2024

The JSA NV emerges as a formidable contender in the three-wheeler segment in India, boasting a diesel engine that combines power with efficiency. Designed to navigate the complexities of urban and rural landscapes, the JSA NV is tailored for those who demand reliability and performance in their vehicles.

At a Glance: JSA NV Specifications

  • Model: JSA NV
  • Power: Under 9.4 HP
  • Engine Type: Diesel
  • Engine Capacity: 597.7 cc
  • Transmission: Manual, 4 Forward + 1 Reverse gearbox
  • Handle Type: Type bar handle
  • Fuel Tank Capacity: 10.25 Liters

Key Features

Robust Diesel Engine

The heart of the JSA NV is its diesel engine, offering a perfect blend of power and fuel efficiency. With an engine capacity of 597.7 cc, it ensures that you get the performance you need, whether it’s for carrying goods or navigating through city traffic.

Manual Transmission with Versatile Gearbox

Equipped with a manual transmission that includes 4 forward gears and 1 reverse gear, the JSA NV provides smooth and adaptable driving dynamics. This gearbox setup ensures that the vehicle can handle various terrains and loads with ease.

Practical Design and Capacity

The JSA NV is designed with practicality in mind, featuring a type bar handle for better control and a fuel tank capacity of 10.25 liters, ensuring long distances can be covered without frequent refueling stops.

Advantages of Choosing JSA NV

Economical and Efficient

Diesel engines are known for their efficiency and economy, and the JSA NV is no exception. Its fuel-efficient engine means lower running costs, making it an economical choice for business owners and entrepreneurs.

Durable and Reliable

With its robust build and reliable diesel engine, the JSA NV is built to last. It’s capable of withstanding the rigors of daily use, making it a dependable partner for your business or personal needs.

Versatile Performance

The JSA NV’s manual transmission and powerful engine make it highly versatile. It’s as adept at navigating through tight urban spaces as it is cruising on rural roads, offering unparalleled flexibility for a wide range of applications.


The JSA NV diesel three-wheeler stands out as a practical, efficient, and reliable vehicle, ideal for those who value performance and durability. Whether for commercial use or personal transport, the JSA NV promises to deliver on all fronts, making it a smart choice for navigating the challenges of urban and rural mobility.

Learn More

For more details and specifications on the JSA NV, visit BestGaddi. Discover how the JSA NV can transform your mobility needs with its diesel-powered efficiency.

