Mayuri Star: Revolutionise Your Ride with Eco-Power

2 min readFeb 5, 2024

The Mayuri Star electric rickshaw is a significant player in the 1.34 HP category, designed to cater to the growing demand for environmentally friendly and cost-effective urban mobility solutions. With its electric engine, the Mayuri Star is not just a vehicle but a statement towards a greener future.

Mayuri Star: Revolutionise Your Ride with Eco-Power

Specifications at a Glance

  • Model Name: Mayuri Star
  • Power: Under 1.34 HP
  • Engine Type: Electric
  • Transmission: Automatic
  • Handle Type: Type bar handle
  • Fuel Tank Capacity: Not applicable

Key Features

Eco-Friendly Engine

The heart of the Mayuri Star is its electric engine, which promises a ride free from carbon emissions. This feature not only makes it an environmentally conscious choice but also ensures low running costs.

Effortless Driving Experience

Equipped with an automatic transmission and a type bar handle, the Mayuri Star offers an effortless driving experience. It is designed to navigate through urban landscapes with ease, making it an ideal choice for daily commutes.

Future-Ready Design

The design of the Mayuri Star is futuristic, focusing on comfort and efficiency. Although the fuel tank capacity is not applicable, the vehicle’s battery life and charging infrastructure are poised to meet the needs of the modern urban dweller.

Benefits of Choosing Mayuri Star

Sustainable Urban Mobility

The Mayuri Star electric rickshaw is a step towards sustainable urban development. By choosing electric over traditional fuel-powered vehicles, users contribute to reducing urban pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Cost-Effective Transportation

Electric vehicles are known for their low operational costs, and the Mayuri Star is no exception. With minimal maintenance requirements and the absence of fuel expenses, it offers a cost-effective solution for both drivers and passengers.

Ease of Use

The automatic transmission and intuitive design make the Mayuri Star accessible to a wide range of users. Its ease of use is a significant advantage in busy urban environments, where quick and efficient transportation is a necessity.


The Mayuri Star electric rickshaw represents a blend of innovation, sustainability, and practicality. As urban areas continue to grapple with pollution and congestion, vehicles like the Mayuri Star offer a glimpse into a cleaner, more sustainable future of transportation. With its launch, Mayuri not only promises an eco-friendly travel option but also paves the way for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles in India’s urban landscapes.

Explore More

For detailed specifications and more information on the Mayuri Star electric rickshaw, visit BestGaddi. Join the movement towards eco-friendly travel and experience the future of urban mobility with Mayuri Star.

