Women Who Go: A New Regime

Sarah Adams
3 min readJan 25, 2018


Dearest gophers,

I’m really excited to announce the new leaders of Women Who Go (womenwhogo.org).

There are four women who will make up what I’m calling the new “C-Suite” for Women Who Go.

CEO / Global Visionary & Lead: Maartje Eyskens

Maartje is absolutely the perfect person to take over as head honcho, global visionary for Women Who Go. I’ve honestly known it for a while now.

Maartje has never-ending energy for the women+ in our community. She is forever seeing holes and filling them, and with far better solutions than I could have ever come up with. She’s a wonderful technical mentor, and a warm, loving and positive friend to everyone she interacts with. She is the energizer bunny, the friend and the idea-person that this org needs as a leader.

Maartje is the co-organizer of the FOSDEM Go room this year. Make sure to say hey if you’ll be there!

CFO / Financial Director: Verónica López

Y’all probably know her already. Verónica has been working with me on WWG financing, and everything touching our bank account for over a year now. She is wonderfully considerate and conservative with our money, ensuring that those who do receive support from WWG are always those who will benefit the most from the money. She is the perfect fit to control our cash spend, donations and scholarships, and anything/everything that requires or touches funds.

Verónica was my co-organizer for the Gophercon scholarship fund last year, and is organizing them again this year along with Cassandra Salisbury.

Head of New Chapters: Daniela Petruzalek

If you have met Daniela, you will know that she is incredibly warm and generous with her time. She has wonderful ideas for teaching and workshop content. Daniela is a wonderful source of encouragement for new leaders and new gophers, and she truly cares about community and developer relations. She is the perfect person to help new chapters get up and running, and help more generally with chapter relations.

Daniela ran the Gophercon Brazil Diversity Scholarship fund this last year, and runs her own WWG chapter in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Head of Support: Carolyn Van Slyck

Carolyn is the ideal person for this loosely-defined role of “Head of Support”. Carolyn is wonderful at helping folks achieve their potential by guiding and encouraging, and not by telling. She is warm and thoughtful with the people she works with. But she also has a strong sense of justice and is firm with her beliefs. Carolyn has both the privilege and the strength to stand up a wall for our women+ gophers, to ensure no woman+ is toppled by the hate and inequity in our country, our industry and our community. She is going to do an absolutely wonderful job supporting women+ in the community and all our WWG leaders.

Carolyn runs her own WWG chapter in Chicago, and will be teaching a workshop this year at Gophercon.

Together, as one.

It will likely take a short while for everyone to transition. But I know that you will all be patient as these ladies settle into their new roles. I know that you will all welcome them with open arms. And I know that you will trust their leadership, as I do.

Together, these four ladies make up our new “C-Suite” for Women Who Go. I am confident that together, they are going to do amazing things for the Go community.

With all my heart,


women+: Women Who Go is a space for both women and gender minorities

