CrowdWiz is a fully decentralised, blockchain-based crypto platform

Saddam Safi
4 min readJun 23, 2022


The CrowdWiz platform is an open-source, decentralised and fully transparent crypto investment platform that provides users with the opportunity to participate in projects that can potentially generate high yields and profits. In the CrowdWiz ecosystem, projects are opened to the community and users can pick the ones they believe will be profitable. The voting mechanism gives the power back to the users, who can then vote on how their investment should be used. The community can also benefit from the knowledge and expertise of the experts, who can advise the users on the viability of the project. The platform gives users a chance to invest in ICOs, get returns and benefit from the profits. Join us and enjoy the revolution in the defi system.


CrowdWiz is a unique platform that is aimed at allowing users to participate in the decision making process when it comes to the investment of their money. The platform utilizes the wisdom of the crowd to create investment opportunities for users who are interested in investing in cryptocurrencies. The platform is decentralized, fully open source and has a blockchain foundation. It is also fully transparent as all decisions will be made public and users will be able to see how their funds are utilized.


Crowdwiz is a decentralized, fully open source blockchain platform built on top of Binance smart chain that allows the creation of digital assets and smart contracts. It provides everyone with the same opportunity to participate in the crypto economy and by doing so, it aims to eliminate middlemen in crowdfunding campaigns.

A decentralised open source blockchain based platform for crowdfunding and managing of crypto assets. It is designed to help the users invest in ICOs, manage their cryptocurrencies and monitor the performance of their investments all in one place.


CrowdWiz is a decentralized, fully open source, blockchain platform that democratises the management of crypto-currency funds, and makes them available to everyone. This is done by bringing the investment decision-making process directly onto the blockchain, enabling the creation of decentralized autonomous organisations (DAOs) which can invest and give back to projects and initiatives that users believe in.

CrowdWiz is a platform that introduces a ground-breaking innovation: the possibility for anyone to create their own crypto fund. If you want to invest in a crypto fund, you don’t need to be a crypto-expert anymore. Our sophisticated yet simple and intuitive platform will guide you through the whole process.

CrowdWiz is a fully decentralized, autonomous, self-governed and transparent blockchain platform for crowdfunding. It allows smart contracts to be created for different purposes with different types of rewards.


CrowdWiz platform allows for real-time decision making, financial control and the possibility of creating your own crypto fund. The advantages of this platform are in the fact that it provides full autonomy over every aspect of running a campaign. Creating an opportunity to raise funds for different causes, as well as managing them from the ease of one account.

CrowdWiz is the first decentralised, self-regulating platform that allows users to create their own crypto portfolios using a simple interface. It provides multiple investment opportunities for cryptocurrency enthusiasts who want to diversify their holdings without having to go through the stress of choosing which tokens to buy. Users will be able to set up automated token baskets or ‘crowds’ as well as manually curated crypto baskets and then either sell them or keep them depending on how they feel about the market at any given time.

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