How to Master Laravel 9, Vue 3 & Inertia Fullstack 2023

Saddam Hossain
2 min readFeb 17, 2023


Master Laravel 9, Vue 3 & Inertia Fullstack 2023

Master Laravel 9, Vue 3 & Inertia Fullstack 2023

Learn to build great SPA with Laravel 9, Vue 3, Inertia & Tailwind CSS! Fully Re-Recorded for 2023!

What you’ll learn

  • Learn Laravel 9 from Scratch
  • Learn Vue 3 from Scratch
  • Learn the All New Vue 3 Composition API!
  • Mix Backend and Frontend Frameworks using Inertia
  • Learn Tailwind CSS


  • Basics of JavaScript
  • Basics of PHP


Learn Laravel 9, Vue 3, Inertia, and Tailwind in this brand new 2023-ready FULL STACK course!

Learn Laravel 9 and Vue 3 (the most recent versions!) from Scratch! Everything about both frameworks is explained! You Can Learn More Udemy — PyTorch Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

We will build a real-world, fully featured Single Page Application (SPA) by using the most modern and productive tech in 2023. You will not only master Laravel but also Vue 3 including the all-new Composition API!

The course comes with the full source code! Every single lecture change can be found on GitHub, with a direct link straight from every video!

I start by explaining how to get set up on both Windows and Mac!


In Laravel:

  • Routing, including optional parameters, route grouping
  • Middleware
  • Eloquent ORM
  • Models, Migrations
  • Seeding databases with fake data
  • Database relations — creating, managing, you will learn how they work and how to use them effectively
  • Authentication & authorization — registering users, signing in, user verification, limiting access, admin users
  • Sending emails, and testing emails locally using MailHog!
  • Notifications — database & emails
  • Pagination & Filtering
  • Uploading Images!
  • Forms and data validation

In Vue:

  • All-new Composition API!
  • Reactive data
  • Computed properties
  • Passing data using props!
  • Emitting custom events
  • Handling events
  • Making requests
  • Components & component slots
  • Creating layouts
  • File uploading using JavaScript

For styling, we will learn the super popular Tailwind CSS! Tailwind is the de-facto standard in 2023!

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners in PHP
  • Beginners in JavaScript

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