Clean Code: Functions Should Do Exactly One Thing!

Md. Saddam Hossain
3 min readJun 23, 2023


In the world of software development, clean code is not only desirable but crucial for creating maintainable and scalable applications. One principle that stands out among the rest is the idea that functions should do exactly one thing. This principle, advocated by numerous experts and popularized by Robert C. Martin in his book “Clean Code,” has become a cornerstone of modern software development practices. In this article, we will explore why functions should have a single responsibility, the benefits it offers, and how to achieve it in your codebase. We’ll also provide a JavaScript example to illustrate the concept.

Understanding the Single Responsibility Principle:

The Single Responsibility Principle suggests that a function should focus on doing one thing exceptionally well. By adhering to this principle, functions become more readable, modular, and easier to maintain. Let’s dive into an example to better comprehend its significance.

Suppose we have a function called calculateOrderTotal that calculates the total cost of an order, applies discounts, and updates the inventory. However, this violates the principle of single responsibility.

Violation of SRP

In the above code, the calculateOrderTotal the function is responsible for calculating the total cost, applying discounts, and updating the inventory.

Let’s refactor the code by separating the responsibilities into individual functions:

Application of SRP

By refactoring the code, we now have separate functions for calculating the total cost, applying discounts, and updating the inventory. Each function has a single responsibility and can be easily understood and tested in isolation.

This refactoring improves the readability and maintainability of the code. If there are any changes or bug fixes required in a specific responsibility, we can focus on the relevant function without affecting the others.

By adhering to the principle of single responsibility and breaking down complex functions into smaller, focused functions, we can achieve cleaner, more maintainable code.

Benefits of the Single Responsibility Principle:

  • Improved Readability: Functions that perform a single task are easier to comprehend. When a function does too many things, it becomes difficult to understand its purpose and logic. By adhering to the SRP, code becomes self-explanatory, reducing the time and effort required for developers to understand its functionality.
  • Enhanced Testability: Functions with a single responsibility are simpler to test. By isolating a specific behavior within a function, you can write focused and targeted tests. This reduces the complexity of test cases and makes it easier to identify and fix issues when they arise.
  • Easier Maintenance: Codebases with functions that do one thing are more maintainable. When a bug is discovered or a new feature needs to be added, it is much easier to locate the relevant function and make the necessary changes. Additionally, changes made to a function with a single responsibility are less likely to introduce unintended side effects or break other parts of the codebase.
  • Reusability: Functions designed with a single responsibility can be easily reused in different parts of the codebase. This promotes code modularity and eliminates the need for duplicating code. By reusing existing functions, development time is reduced, and the overall codebase becomes more efficient.


The Single Responsibility Principle advocates for functions that excel at one thing. By adhering to this principle, codebases become more organized, maintainable, and easier to comprehend. Functions with a single responsibility contribute to cleaner code, improved reusability, and streamlined testing. Embracing the Single Responsibility Principle can lead to more robust and efficient software development practices.

Don’t miss out on my other must-read articles! Dive into a wealth of coding insights and tips to level up your skills.

1. A Comprehensive Guide to Testing JavaScript Code Using Jest

2. Leetcode 141: Linked List Cycle (with Visualization)

3. Mastering Clean Code Principles: The Art of Naming Variables and Functions

4. Avoiding Overuse of RxJS in Angular: Using Async/Await and Promises

5. JavaScript Design Pattern: Factory Pattern

