Senditup: a delivery app.

4 min readFeb 6, 2023


Polished Screens

Senditup is a solution for quick logistic needs. Senditup helps you in the delivery of any item from your pickup location to your destination anywhere in the country.

This case study describes my process of creating a delivery app for a logistics company from concept to the final design.

The Challenge

Amidst the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced environment, individuals struggle to find a logistic partner to send their items from one place to another. The challenge was to find a way for these individuals to send or pick up an item from a place at their convenience.

The Goal

My goal was to design a mobile app that lets users send and pick up items. Like pickup and drop services and for businesses the app has a B2B version that acts as a logistic service for their business.

My Role

User Experience Designer responsible for the app’s design from concept to delivery.

My Design Process

I chose to use the lean UX Design framework for this project. By letting the validation of hypotheses guide my work, I could ensure that I was creating a product that truly meets the needs of people.

Lean UX Framework

Competitive Analysis

Before jumping into the process of creating my solution, I checked out some popular Logistic delivery apps. I interacted with the platforms and read their customer reviews. This helped me identify some drawbacks in the existing solutions and opportunities for a better user experience.

Pain Points

Four major pain points were identified from the foundational research phase:

  • Time
  • Ease of use
  • Language barrier
  • Accessibility
  • High Delivery Charges
  • Hard to find a personalized delivery service for small and large goods at a minimal cost.
  • Short-distance services involve a lot of overheads and process.

User Personas

Based on the information gotten from the foundational research, I created a persona whose problems, suggestions, and frustrations represent the needs of the users.

Meet Anandhan

Persona and corresponding problem statement

Context of use

From my research, I learned that people are most likely to use a logistic delivery app platform when they need a quick way to send or pick up any items.

For example, a person who missed his keys at his friend’s home party, and when he reached his home he came to know that he missed his door key and now he can easily book a pickup and drop service from his friend’s location to his home and a delivery partner will pick up the key and will deliver the same to the drop address with a minimal delivery charge.

Here the user can save effort, time, and money.

Starting the design

User flow

To achieve my goal of creating an intuitive design, I mapped a user flow that prioritized recognition over recall. This was done by creating a path that is familiar to the users.

Paper Wireframes

With the user flow mapped out, I then proceeded to sketch wireframes. Several iterations of each screen were drafted on paper to ensure that the elements that made it to the digital wireframes effectively addressed the user pain points.

For the home screen, I prioritized ease of use and a quick ordering process, to make the experience quick and stress-free for the users.

Paper Sketches

Digital Wireframes

As the design proceeded to digital, I ensured that my designs were based on the feedback from my research. I created a digital version of the wireframes in Figma and proceeded to test it with users.

Digital Wireframes of Senditup app

Refining the design

I proceeded to create mockups and a high-fidelity prototype of the design. I have also created a B2B version of the app for small-scale businesses and startups.

High-fidelity screens

Designed for real users

Although I only documented two usability studies, I was constantly testing the design with users and iterating it based on the feedback received. It took about 10 iterations to get to the final design.

I tested the final design with two (2) people with limited technical knowledge and they were able to complete the desired tasks without any assistance.

Final Design

You can interact with the prototype here

I have made the changes to the design after receiving feedback and usability test from users.

Final Design after receiving feedback from users.


Thank you for reaching the end of this case study🤗. Please feel free to drop your comments and suggestions.

