Better Revenge Through Science Pt. 02

42 min readJul 23, 2023


End of Part 1:

They kissed and Ron got ready for work as Nancy threw on her robe and went downstairs to make coffee and breakfast. They ate breakfast and things seemed to be the way they were when they first got married. Ron hoped this would become the new normal. After he ate, he complimented his wife on her cooking, kissed her and headed out the door.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you, too,” she said. “Don’t forget, I’ll be pretty late getting home tonight. I have a lot of studying to do.”

“I understand. Don’t be too late,” he said, smiling. She smiled back.

“I’ll try,” she said.

That afternoon, he received a text from Mark: “Wired and ready to go. PI on the case.”

“Gotcha,” he texted back.

Part 2:

After a fairly productive day at work, Ron went home and jumped on his lab computer to see if his webcam had picked up anything. It successfully captured his tryst with her the night before and activated one other time when Nancy went to the bathroom. It also captured her morning blowjob and recorded him getting ready for work.

He fast forwarded through all that and hoped there wouldn’t be anything else. In his mind the only things that should have been captured were her getting ready for school and swapping out the sheets on the bed.

But the camera picked up something else. About 30 minutes after he left, the camera reactivated when Nancy came into the room, followed by his father and two brothers. What the fuck were they doing there, he wondered. Nancy sat down on the bed and the three men stripped their clothes off.

“I don’t think I can do this today, guys,” she said in the video.

“Why the fuck not?” George asked.

“Things have changed,” she said.

“What do ya mean, changed?” John asked.

“I don’t know for certain, but I think Ron suspects something,” she said.

“Like what,” Bob asked.

“Yeah, like what?” George parroted.

“You didn’t see him last night,” she told them. “He was like a totally different person.”

“What, did you let him fuck you last night?” John asked. “After we specifically told you not to let him near you during the week?”

“I had no choice,” she said. “He just picked me up and took me, several times. And frankly, it was the best sex I’ve ever had with him. My pussy is STILL a bit sore from last night.”

“What?” George asked. “What do you mean, took you? And you let him? You BITCH!” Bob held up his hand.

“Hold on,” he said. “What do you mean by ‘different,’ Nancy?”

“He was like a kinder version of you guys,” she said. “He was stronger, harder, more confident. Hell, his cock was even bigger than normal. I thought maybe he took Viagra or something, but he just said it was diet and exercise.”

“He’s doing something in that lab of his,” Bob said. “We need to get in there and figure it out.”

“No, you can’t do that,” Nancy said. “He’s got multiple security doors and if anyone tries to break in, it alerts him and the police.”

“Do you know what he’s working on?” George asked. Nancy shook her head.

“I have no idea,” she said.

“So what, we just forget about our plan to knock you up and make him raise the child, thinking it’s his?” John asked.

“I think we should put that plan on hold for now,” she said. “I want to finish my school and get established first. Once I have a job with benefits, we can revisit it.”

“Fuck that shit,” George said. “I don’t want to wait that long.” He looked at his father. “Maybe we should go with plan B.” Bob nodded his head. Nancy looked at them.

“What do you mean, plan B?” she asked.

“Well, if we can’t fuck the wimpy cuck over, we’ll fuck him directly,” John said. “In the ass. Repeatedly.”

“Yeah, and we’ll get it all on tape,” George said. “Let’s see how long the brainiac keeps his job once we send it out to his boss and co-workers.” The three men laughed at that.

“You can’t be serious,” Nancy said.

“Oh yeah, we’re fucking serious,” John said. “And you’re going to help us set him up.”

“What?” Nancy asked. “You want me to set him up so you can rape him in the ass?”

“Yeah,” George said. “But we’re not sticking our peckers into that tiny little ass. We know some really big black guys who just happen to like little squirts like your husband. Trust me, they’ll have little Ronnie squealing like a pig and begging for more. And yes, you WILL set him up for us.”

“What if I don’t want to?” she asked.

“Well, then, we’ll just have to tell him about your wedding day,” John said. “About how it was our cum dripping down your leg as you walked down the aisle. And about how it was our cum in your mouth when he kissed you.” The three men laughed at that. “Then we’ll show him a video of you taking all three of us, making you airtight. And the video of you taking mine and George’s cock in your pussy at the same time. You think he’ll ever want to touch you again?” Nancy looked down, embarrassed.

“But what about your grandfather?” Nancy asked. “He’ll never let you get away with it.”

“Yeah,” George said. “He holds the note on the house. He’ll have us on the street in no time, or in jail.”

“Let me worry about Big Daddy,” Bob said. George and John nodded their heads.

“So, bitch,” John said. “Are you in, or do we need to take you to the wrong side of town and have you turned into a crack whore, fucking for drugs?”

“Just don’t hurt him, please,” she cried. “When do you want to do this?”

“Soon,” George said. “Well let you know. In the meantime, you play the good loving wife while we get things set up. We don’t want the little runt getting suspicious. Got it?” Nancy nodded her head, tears rolling down her cheek.

“I got it,” she said quietly.

“Good,” George said, unzipping his trousers. “Now, suck, bitch,” he added, pulling out his cock. Nancy took it in her hands and began masturbating him to hardness. “Suck it, cunt,” he growled. She put his cock in her mouth and began sucking as the other two men pulled out their cocks.

Soon, she had one cock in her ass, one in her mouth and one in her pussy. The three men grunted as they emptied their seed in her. Then they swapped places and did it again, swapping one more time so that all three got good use of all her holes. Ron was disgusted by what he saw and felt like throwing up.

When the men finished, they got dressed. On the way out, John turned to Nancy.

“Remember what we said, bitch,” he told her. “And don’t let him fuck you again during the week if you know what’s good for you.” Nancy was finally left alone and as Ron watched, she buried her head in her hands and sobbed. The video ended when she finally got up and went to the bathroom. He copied it to a thumb drive and realizing that he just witnessed a crime being plotted, pulled out his phone to call the police and warn Mark.

He never got a chance to call, though, as his phone rang as he held it. He saw the call was from Lisa, so he answered it.

“Ron, thank God I got you,” she said. “You need to get to the hospital, right now.”

“What’s wrong, Lisa?” he asked.

“It’s Grandpa,” she said. “He’s been shot. He’s out of surgery, but it doesn’t look good. Please, hurry and get here. I’ll meet you in the ER.” They ended the call and Ron ran up the stairs, locking the security doors to the lab. He drove as fast as he could to the hospital and met Lisa in the Emergency Room. She grabbed his hand and led him to the recovery area where Mark lay. His eyes were closed and his breathing was irregular. He was hooked up to tubes and wires attached to his body and Ron could see that his vitals weren’t good.

“What happened?” he asked Lisa.

“From what the police said, he got caught between two rival gangs in a drive-by shooting,” she said. “He was hit multiple times. It doesn’t look good at all.” Ron agreed and kept an eye on the vitals. He pulled up a chair and sat next to Mark and Lisa. She put her head on his shoulders and cried. He put his arm around her and tried to comfort her.

Suddenly, Mark jerked in his bed. Ron and Lisa looked at his vitals and recognized the signs of a heart attack. Suddenly, there was an announcement for a “code blue” and the room quickly filled with medical personnel. Ron and Lisa stood out of the way as they worked, but it was to no avail. As they watched, Mark’s vitals flat-lined and nothing the techs did made any difference.

A doctor examined him one last time and noted the time of Mark’s death in his folder. They disconnected him from the medical gear and pulled the sheet over his face before leaving. Ron knelt over Mark, hot tears falling down his face. Lisa sobbed with him, her hand on Ron’s shoulder.

As Ron cried for his grandfather, a rage began building in him. He felt his entire body shake from his emotions and he was filled with a desire to kill. The rage continued to build in him until he could take it no longer. Suddenly, he threw his head back and let loose with a blood-curling yell. Lisa stood back from him, shocked. A couple nurses ran into the area to see what was going on, but by then, Ron had settled down.

“I gotta get out of here,” Ron said. “I’ll call tomorrow.”

“Please do,” Lisa said, scared. She had never seen him like this before and was very concerned for him. Ron left the curtained-off area and headed for the door. Once outside, he was met by his father and brothers.

“What happened?” Bob asked him. Ron grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against a nearby truck, hatred in his eyes.

“As if you don’t know?” he asked. Bob shook his head. He had never seen Ron so physical before.

“No, I don’t,” he said. “Honest to God, I don’t.”

“If I ever find out you had anything to do with Grandpa being shot so help me God, I’ll rip your fucking balls off and feed them to the dogs, you worthless petaQ,” he growled, using a Klingon insult. Bob looked at his youngest child, scared. He shook his head.

“No, please, Ron. Believe me, I didn’t have anything to do with this,” he begged. Ron dropped him back to the ground and saw George start to take a swing at him in his peripheral vision. He never made contact as Ron dropped him with a roundhouse kick to the side of his face. Ron looked at John, anger in his eyes.

“You want some pain, too, asshole?” Ron growled. John shook his head, his eyes wide. He held his hands in front of him. Who was this madman, he thought as he looked at his younger brother.

“No, Ron, please. No more,” he said.

“Then stay the fuck away from me,” Ron said. He looked down at Bob. “Are you going to take care of your father’s funeral arrangements or do I have to do that for you?”

“I’ll take care of it,” Bob said, standing up. “I’m sorry, Ron. Really, I am. I know how much your grandfather meant to you. I’ll take care of things.”

“You’d better,” Ron said before walking off. He called his boss from work and requested bereavement leave.

“I’m so sorry, Ron,” his boss said. “Go ahead and take the next five days off. We’ve got it covered.”

“Thanks, boss,” Ron said, ending the call.

He got in his car and headed back home, thinking about his revenge. He swore they would all pay for what they had done to him. As he drove, part of his mind went over formulas and calculations while another part of his mind focused on driving. It was something he had mastered some time ago and it was now second nature to him. His face twisted in an evil grin as a plan came to him. Oh yes, he thought to himself, ALL of the fuckers would pay for their treachery.

When he got home, he turned off all the cameras, then went back to his lab, his mind filled with formulas. He went straight to work, knowing he didn’t have a whole lot of time. He verified a few things from his previous experiments and his vast computer-based library and adjusted as necessary. The first solution simply HAD to work, because there was no time for testing or reformulation. He worked liked a man possessed, until he finally had the concoction he was looking for.

Looking around, he found one other thing he would need to make his job easier and set that aside. He grabbed what looked like a turkey baster and sucked up a sizable dose of his newly-created solution before setting it aside. Now all he had to do was wait.

He didn’t have to wait long as he heard Nancy’s car pull into the garage. He grabbed what he needed and ran up the stairs, heading for the kitchen. He was pouring Nancy a glass of sherry, knowing she would want one before going to bed. He turned around, glass in hand, as Nancy entered the house from the garage.

“Is that for me?” she asked, reaching for the glass.

“Of course,” he said, handing it to her. “How was your day?”

“Busy as hell,” she sighed as she took a drink. “We were reviewing everything for the…” She dropped the glass as the drug hit and nearly fell on the floor, but Ron caught her before she collapsed. He picked her up and carried her upstairs, laying her down on the bed.

He stripped her naked and saw bite marks on her breasts and noticed her lower lips were swollen. Fucking cunt, he thought to himself. He didn’t see any semen leaking out of her, leading him to believe that she at least had the good sense to use a condom. He put a pillow under her ass, raising it enough to do what he needed done.

Once he got her situated, he went back downstairs and grabbed the baster and a couple of towels. Once in the bedroom, he inserted the plastic tip of the thing inside her pussy and gently squeezed, using the towels to soak up any liquid that escaped. He watched as the solution went inside her before adding more. Soon, the entire thing was empty and he wiped her dry. He looked at his watch, pleased. The drug he had used in her sherry would keep her out for about eight hours and the solution would be completely absorbed into her vaginal walls in about six. Perfect. He went back downstairs and crashed on a futon in his lab.

He awoke at 6:30 the next morning. He jumped into the shower, dressed and grabbed a cup of coffee. He had a lot to do today. He grabbed his laptop and a thumb drive that held the video from the previous day, then scribbled a note for Nancy before turning the cameras back on, telling her he had to get an early start on the day. He said nothing about Mark’s death.

As he drove, he called Lisa.

“Hey, sis,” he said. “Mind if I come over and fix us some breakfast?”

“Well, okay,” she said. “Are you feeling better this morning?”

“Yeah, a bit,” he said. “I got some sleep last night and that helped.”

“Good,” she said. “Alright, I’ll see you in a few.”

A few minutes later, Lisa let Ron into her apartment. She showed him to the kitchen, and he began cracking eggs to make an omelet.

“You sure you can handle this?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah,” he said.

“I’ll start up some coffee,” she said.

“Sounds good to me,” he told her.

“So what’s this all about?” Lisa asked when Ron dished out the omelets.

“I have something I want you to look at,” Ron said, pulling out his laptop and his thumb drive. After he got it up, he connected a set of headphones and handed them to her. “Watch this,” he told her, starting the video. Her eyes grew wide as she watched Nancy with the three men. When it was over, she took the headphones off and wiped tears from her eyes.

“Oh my God,” she said. “I can’t believe they would do that to you. Do you think Dad may have had something to do with Grandpa getting shot?”

“I did at first, but when I looked at the timeline, it just didn’t fit,” he said. “There simply wasn’t enough time for him to have set that up.”

“I heard you got a little physical with them in the parking lot,” she said.

“Yeah, a bit,” Ron said. “Is Dad going to handle Grandpa’s funeral?” She nodded her head.

“He said he would,” she told him. Ron looked at his sister for a couple minutes before speaking.

“I need to know the truth, Lisa,” he said. “The whole truth.”

“About what?” she asked.

“What happened to make you leave home?” he asked. “Were you molested?” Her eyes started tearing up and her face got red. She slowly nodded her head, unable to look Ron in the face. “You can tell me, I’ll be here for you.” She began sobbing uncontrollably. He held her head and let her cry on his shoulder. He let her get it out of her system. She finally sat back up and looked at him.

“You remember how we all used to roughhouse in the basement?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “I always ended up at the bottom of the pile.” She laughed.

“Well, after you left, it was me at the bottom of the pile,” she said. “The first time happened about a year after you left. The boys and I were in the basement and we were just goofing off like we used to. Mom and Dad were out that night and the boys had gotten some beer. They gave me one and the next thing I know, I’m sitting in George’s lap and John was in front of me. I felt strange, like I wanted it. But I hated it at the same time. I realized later that I had been drugged.”

“How many times after that did it happen?” Ron asked.

“Quite a few times. I’d say once every other week for about a year and a half or so,” she said. “I felt so ashamed.”

“Damn. Why didn’t you just say, ‘no?’” he asked.

“I did at first, but John said he had pictures and video and threatened to tell everyone,” she said. “They also threatened to hurt me if I went to the police.”

“Was Dad ever involved?” Ron asked.

“Not at first,” she said. “Later, he would come to the basement and watch. He did get involved a couple times.”

“And they all threatened you?” he asked.

“Yes, even Dad,” she said. “Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I told Grandpa I had to get out of there, but I never told him the whole truth.”

“Did Mom ever know about this?” Ron asked. She shook her head.

“No. She knew about the other girls, but not this,” she said. “She was always out when it happened and Dad told me never to mention it to her.”

“Oh my God, Lisa, that’s terrible,” Ron said. “I’m not up on all the laws, but I really think you should talk to someone. You may have a criminal case here.”

“You think anyone will care after all these years?” she asked.

“I’m going to get an appointment with an attorney today, so I’ll ask about it,” Ron said. “I thought I saw something somewhere that said there’s no statute of limitations on crimes like this in this state, but I don’t keep up with the law. And yes, it was a crime.”

“So are you going to divorce Nancy?” Lisa asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “There’s no way I can live with this.”

“Good,” she said. “I feel so bad for you, Ron. Trust me, there’s lots of girls out there who would kill to have a man like you and they’re not all sluts. And I really am sorry for the way I treated you when we were younger. I know we were just kids and all, but there’s still no excuse for what I did to you.” Ron smiled and hugged his sister.

“That’s okay,” he said. “Thanks for the apology and I accept. Well, I have a lot on my plate today, so I’d better get going. Call me if you need anything and I’ll let you know what I find out, okay?”

“Sounds like a plan,” she said. “Thanks for coming over, Ron. And thanks for making me breakfast. I may just have you do that again.” He smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

“Any time,” he said. Just then, Ron’s phone buzzed. He didn’t recognize the number, but answered anyway.

“Ron Black,” he said.

“Mr. Black, this is Marcus Billingham, your grandfather’s attorney,” a man said at the other end. “Is this a good time to speak?”

“Yes, it is,” Ron said. “What may I do for you?”

“I received word that your grandfather passed away yesterday,” Marcus said. “First off, I’d like to offer my condolences. He and I have been friends for a long time.”

“Thank you, Mr. Billingham,” Ron said.

“Please call me Marcus,” he said. “Second off, I was wondering if you and your sister could come by my office this morning. I need to discuss your grandfather’s last will with you. Is that possible?”

“Well, I can come by,” Ron said. “Let me ask Lisa. She’s right here.” He put the phone down and looked at his sister. “Can you take today off and come see Grandpa’s attorney?”

“I think so,” she said. “We get three days bereavement leave, so I don’t think that’ll be a problem. Let me call in first.” She pulled out her phone and called her boss to explain the situation. Less than a minute later, she ended her call and looked at Ron. “No problem,” she said. “I can be there.” Ron put his phone on speaker.

“Marcus, I have my phone on speaker,” Ron said. “Lisa said she can come in with me. What time would you like us to be there?”

“Can you make it here by 10:00 am?” he asked. Lisa nodded her head.

“We’ll be there,” Ron said.

“Good,” Marcus said. “I’ll see you at 10:00.” They ended the call after Marcus gave his address and Lisa ran into her bedroom to get ready. Soon, they were on their way to Marcus’ downtown office.

Ron found a spot in the main parking garage downtown and they walked the two blocks to the high-rise where Marcus’ office was located. The receptionist took their names and escorted them into Marcus’ inner sanctum.

“Please come in,” Marcus said as the receptionist opened the door. He shook their hands and offered them a cup of coffee, which they graciously accepted. Marcus motioned to have three cups brought in, then invited them to sit down.

“You’re probably wondering why I called you both here today,” he said.

“I am a bit curious,” Ron said. “Especially since I was going to call for some family law advise.”

“Are you looking to get a divorce?” Marcus asked. Ron nodded his head.

“Yes,” he said.

“Well, then we can kill two birds with one stone,” Marcus said. “It just so happens I’m the one who crafted the prenuptial agreement for you and Nancy at your grandfather’s request. I hope you don’t mind, but he mentioned to me just before he was shot that you might be seeking our services. We’ll get to that in a bit. What I really wanted to discuss with the two of you are some very important changes to your grandfather’s will.”

“Oh?” Ron asked. “What changes might those be?”

“About eight months ago, your grandfather basically wrote your father and your brothers out of his will,” Marcus said. “He left the three of them the sum total of one dollar each. Your father was the original executor of his will, but he changed that. You, Ron, are named as the executor. His entire estate has been placed in a trust with the two of you named as the executive officers with equal power.”

Ron and Lisa looked at each other, shocked. This was the first they had heard of any changes and Mark had never mentioned anything about their father and brothers being denied so much of the estate.

“Under normal circumstances, this would not be much of a hardship, but your grandfather’s estate is quite large,” Marcus said. “Maybe not Bill Gates large, but very substantial. Even after my fees and his final expenses, you two will be set for life. If you wish, I can handle everything with the probate court, but you will still be responsible for any final decisions that need to be made. Don’t worry about my fees, I’ve already negotiated that with your grandfather and those will be paid for by the estate.”

“Do you think our father might contest this?” Ron said. Marcus nodded his head.

“I would be surprised if he didn’t,” Marcus said.

“Well, Grandpa trusted you for a long time,” Ron said. “So I’m okay with you handling the probate stuff. That work for you, Lisa?” Ron asked. She nodded her head.

“Yeah, sure,” she said.

“Good. Just so you know, there are four pieces of property in the trust,” Marcus said. “Your grandfather’s home, the one you and Nancy live in, Ron, the home currently occupied by your parents and a piece of lakefront property.”

“Wait,” Ron said. “The house Mom and Dad are living in are part of the trust? I thought Grandpa was holding the note on that.”

“No,” Marcus said. “He bought the mortgage a few years back when your father lost his job. There is no note on it. He allowed your parents and brothers to stay in the place for minimal rent. If you’re so inclined, you can extend that same arrangement to them. That’s strictly up to you.”

“And what’s this piece of lakefront property?” Ron asked. “I didn’t know anything about that.”

“Well, your grandfather had talked about using it as a summer vacation home,” Marcus said. “He started construction on it a few months back but it hasn’t been finished. Maybe the two of you can collaborate and make it a family getaway.”

They discussed the terms of Mark’s will for about another half hour before the discussion turned to Ron and Lisa.

“Marcus,” Ron began, “We’d like your opinion on something.” He turned to his sister. “Would you like to tell him?” Lisa nodded her head before telling Marcus what she had shared with her brother earlier. She was clearly embarrassed and Ron felt himself getting angrier by the minute. Marcus listened quietly, taking notes as she talked. When she finished, he sat back in his chair and thought for a couple moments before speaking.

“Well, Lisa,” he began. “This state has no statute of limitations for what you’ve just described. The only sticking point I think would be providing evidence. You say they claimed to have video of this?” She nodded her head.

“Yes, that’s what they told me,” she said. He nodded his head.

“Okay,” he said. “Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll call the District Attorney and see what he says. He or someone from his office will probably want to discuss it with you before taking any action. Will you be okay with that?”

“Yes,” she said. “I want them to pay for what they’ve done.”

“You say your mother had no knowledge of any of this?” he asked.

“No, not as far as I know,” Lisa said.

“Alright,” he said. “I can’t promise anything, but I will talk to the DA and we’ll go from there, okay?”

“Thank you,” she said. Marcus then turned to Ron, who had pulled a thumb drive from his pocket.

“And you?” Marcus asked. Ron handed him the thumb drive.

“I want a divorce,” Ron said. “On that thumb drive is a video showing her with my father and my two brothers. It’s pretty graphic. Grandpa had also hired a private investigator and we’re going to see him next.” Marcus put the drive into his computer and fired up the video. His face turned a bit red as he watched the video. When it was over, he pulled the drive out.

“Mind if I hang on to this for a while?” he asked Ron.

“Not at all,” Ron said.

“Good. I’ll also mention this to the District Attorney if you don’t mind,” Marcus said. “I’ll start the paperwork based on the prenuptial agreement immediately and have her served. When do you plan to confront her about this?”

“Tonight, when she gets home from school,” Ron said.

“Alright,” he said. “I can tell you that based on this, it’s pretty much a slam dunk. Adultery is still cause for divorce in this state and can actually be prosecuted as a crime, but I don’t know of any recent case where that’s happened. As I recall, your agreement states that in the case of adultery, the guilty spouse leaves the marriage with no support. Your house is actually owned by your grandfather’s trust so she has no claim to that. Is she employed?”

“No, she’s a full-time student,” Ron said. “I had planned on setting her up with an apartment so she’ll have someplace to live until she finishes college. I’ve already paid for her tuition through the end of her program. According to the agreement, she would get $2,500 for every year we’ve been married plus whatever money she had when we got married, which was just at $450.00. I’ll give her a check for that amount tonight. She has her own car, so she can keep that as well.”

“I see,” Marcus said. “You’re being quite generous under the circumstances.”

“I hate what she did, but I don’t want to see her on the street,” Ron said.

“That’s good to hear,” Marcus said. “Alright, I’ll draw up the paperwork. I’ll also get a restraining order against her and her three amigos. Make sure I have her new address so I can have her served. If you get any additional evidence, make sure I have that as well. Unless she contests the divorce, it should be final in six months.”

“Thanks,” Ron said. “How much do I need for a retainer?”

“Don’t worry about that right now,” Marcus said. “I’ll send you a bill. Besides, your grandfather already gave me a fairly hefty retainer, so I’ll work against that for now.”

Marcus handed each of them his business card, then stood, signaling the end of the meeting. Ron and Lisa also stood and the three of them shook hands.

“I’m really sorry about everything,” Marcus said. “Your grandfather thought the world of you two. He always said he hoped the family would reconcile. If there’s anything you need, please feel free to call any time. I’ll discuss all this with the DA and let you know what I learn. I already have your contact information in my files.”

“Thank you, Marcus,” Ron said. Their next stop was the office of Alfred Johnson, Private Investigator, the man Mark hired to wire the house and spy on Nancy. After speaking with the receptionist, a gum-chewing redhead with a bit of an attitude, they were ushered into Alfred’s office. A cigar-chomping middle-aged man who looked like a Columbo reject got out of his chair and welcomed them.

“Please, call me Al,” he said after all the introductions. “Yes, I spoke with your grandfather and we’ve been keeping an eye on your wife. Quite a busy lady, if I do say so myself. I haven’t finished up my report yet, but I do have lots of pictures and video.”

“What have you found out?” Ron asked.

“As you suspected, your wife has entertained a number of men in just the last 24 hours or so,” Al said. “All together, I’d say, she’s probably been with at least 15 men, counting your father and two brothers.”

“Fifteen?” Ron asked, shocked. The shit was definitely going to hit the fan.

“Yep,” Al said. He pulled out a manila folder and handed it to Ron. The folder was full of pictures and included a DVD. “That’s just since we started the case. I can tell you that your father and brother were also at your house this morning. They showed up about 8:30 or so and left about 10:00. We’ve got video of that as well. It’s on the DVD. I do have to warn you, though, it’s disturbing and quite graphic.”

Ron quickly did the math. If they left at 10:00, things should start happening about 3:00 pm.

“Thanks,” Ron said. “I think we have enough evidence for the divorce. I’ve already started the process, so if you want, I think that after tonight, we can call it done.”

“Well, okay,” Al said. “I’ll have my guys watch her through tonight and we’ll end the surveillance then. I can have a full report for you in about three days, if that works for you.”

“It does,” Ron said. “How much do I owe you?”

“I’ll figure that out when we wrap it up and send you a bill for what’s owed,” Al said. “Your grandfather already paid for a full week of surveillance, so it’s possible there’ll be a refund.”

“My grandfather was shot and killed yesterday,” Ron said. “So any refund can be sent to me.”

“I’m sorry to hear about that,” Al said. “Damn. I thought the world of Mark. He helped me get started, you know. Well, once we’re finished, I’ll figure it out and get in touch with you, okay?”

“That’s good,” Ron said, handing Al a card with his contact information.

“We’ll be in touch,” Al said before they left. “And let me know when you’re going to have the funeral. I’d like to pay my last respects.”

From there, Ron and Lisa went to lunch and talked about what had happened that morning.

“I knew Grandpa had quite a bit of money, but I had no idea he was that well off,” Lisa said.

“Same here,” Ron said. “My head is still spinning.”

“So, what’s next on your agenda?” Lisa asked.

“I saw on the Internet that the complex you live in has small furnished studio apartments for rent,” he said. “I’d like to get one for Nancy. That is, if you don’t mind her living in the same complex as you.”

“No, I don’t mind,” she said. “You’re really doing it, aren’t you?” she asked after a few moments. “You’re really kicking her to the curb.”

“Yeah,” Ron said. “I don’t trust her anymore, and whatever love I had for her is pretty much gone.”

“You’ve changed, Ron,” she said. “A lot. The Ronnie I remember as a kid would probably have just rolled over and let her screw you over. And he certainly wouldn’t have kicked his brother’s ass the way you did yesterday. What happened to you?”

“Well, that Ron is gone,” he said. “And the days of me taking shit from people are also gone.” He realized she was right in more ways than she knew. The old Ron would never have done to Nancy what he did. And even if he did, or even thought about it, he would have been wracked with guilt. The new Ron, however, felt absolutely no remorse. Nor did he feel any guilt for what he knew would happen to his father and brothers.

Moreover, the old Ron would probably have crawled into a fetal position over the death of his marriage. He probably would have even begged Nancy to come back to him and allowed her to turn him into one of those wimpy cuckolds he read about on the Internet. But that Ron didn’t exist anymore, and was replaced by something else. He had to be careful, though, and he knew it. If he was pushed too hard, he could easily turn into a modern-day version of Stevenson’s Edward Hyde.

“I kinda like this new Ron,” Lisa said with a smile. He smiled back.

“Thanks,” he said. “Me, too.”

“So, what do you think we should do about Mom?” she asked. “If Dad and the boys do end up in jail, she’ll have no income at all. Even if they don’t go to jail, there’s the matter of the house. Are you thinking of throwing them out?”

“It’s tempting,” he said. “They’ve certainly given me plenty of reason to kick them into the street. But I don’t want to see Mom get hurt. I have no problem with letting her stay if they go to jail, though. Let’s see how things work out, okay?”

“Okay,” she said. “Would you be opposed to setting her up with a small trust fund so she can survive?”

“No, I wouldn’t,” he said. “I think Grandpa would probably have done the same thing.”

“I think you’re right,” she said. After they ate, they headed back to Lisa’s apartment and headed for the office. Lisa introduced Ron to the office manager and explained the situation.

“So, you want to rent a studio apartment for your soon-to-be ex-wife?” asked Marsha, the office manager.

“Yes,” Ron said. “And I’m willing to pay for six month’s rent in advance if that’s possible.”

“Six months?” Marsha asked. “You’re being quite generous. Yes, we can do that if you’d like. I happen to have one furnished studio available right now if that works for you.”

“It does,” Ron said. Marsha took them to the apartment so they could see it. It was very small, but it was clean and included the minimum furnishings. With Nancy being at school all the time, Ron figured it was more than sufficient. “I’ll take it,” Ron told Nancy. They went back to the office, where Ron filled out all the papers. He signed a check for the deposit and six months rent and took the keys Marsha handed him.

“So, when do you think she’ll be moving in?” Marsha asked.

“Tonight,” Ron said. “After she gets back from school.”

They left the office and walked to Lisa’s apartment. When they got there, she turned to him.

“Are you sure about all of this?” Lisa asked.

“Yes,” Ron said. “The sooner she’s gone, the better.”

“I just hope you’re doing the right thing,” she said.

“It’s the only thing I can do,” he told her. “At least I’m not forcing her to live in her car, which I was sorely tempted to do.”

“I understand,” she said. “Would you mind if I keep in touch with her, just to make sure she’s alright?”

“I don’t care,” Ron said. “She’s going to need a job soon. Maybe you can help her with that.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Lisa said. “Talk to you soon, okay?” He nodded his head. Lisa wrapped her arms around him. “It’ll be alright, little brother. You’ll see.”

“Thanks, Lisa,” he said. “I appreciate that.” He left and headed for the bank, where he made changes to his account. He took Nancy off the joint account, paid and canceled their joint credit card, applied for a new card in his name only and got a cashier’s check for $5450.00 in Nancy’s name. This had been a pretty expensive day, but he knew it had to be done.

From there, he went home and began packing all of her clothes and toiletries, placing most of it in trash bags and setting them in the garage next to her scooter, which she still used from time to time. He took down all of the photos of both of them and put them in boxes, along with their wedding album.

As he was packing Nancy’s things, his phone rang. He saw it was Marcus’ number, so he answered.

“Ron,” Marcus said. “Just wanted to let you know I spoke with the District Attorney and he’s very interested in pursuing cases regarding you and Lisa.”

“Terrific,” Ron said. “Is there anything we need to do?”

“Not yet,” Marcus said. “I suspect he’ll contact you both and arrange for an interview. I just wanted to let you know.”

“Thanks a million, Marcus,” Ron said. They ended the call and Ron continued packing until he felt he had done enough. By then, it was almost 3:00 pm, and he knew things would start to get interesting soon.

He went down into his lab and checked the video from earlier in the morning. Sure enough, about 8:30 that morning, judging from the timestamp on the video, Nancy was joined in the master bedroom by his father, John and George. George had a large bruise on the side of his face where Ron had kicked him the previous day.

“What happened to you?” Nancy asked.

“Your limp-dick husband did this to me yesterday at the hospital,” George said. “You never told me he took martial arts.”

“Sorry,” she said. “I guess I forgot to tell you. He started doing that in college.”

“Well, the little bitch is going to pay dearly, I promise you,” he said.

“What are you going to do?” she asked. He pulled a pistol from his belt and showed it to her.

“After my buddies fuck him the ass, I’m going to blow his stupid fucking head off,” George said. Nancy shook her head.

“No, please, you promised you wouldn’t hurt him,” she said.

“I never promised shit,” he said. “Let’s see if he’s faster than a bullet.”

“You’ll end up in jail,” she said.

“So fucking what?” George growled. “He owes me, and by God, he’s gonna pay.”

“What were you doing at the hospital?” she asked.

“Dad was shot yesterday,” Bob said. “He died after surgery.”

“Oh my God,” Nancy said. “Ron didn’t say anything about that last night. Did you set it up?”

“No,” Bob said. “It was just dumb luck. He got caught between two gangs in a drive-by shooting.”

“Dumb luck is right,” John said. “Still, it works well for us. Now, we’ll get the house and a good chunk of inheritance money.” Ron laughed at that. Yeah, right, asshole, he thought to himself.

“Now, bitch, get naked,” George ordered. Nancy stripped her clothes off and soon, all four of them were in the bed, making Nancy airtight. As before, they each took turns fucking her in all her holes, filling her up with semen. He fast-forwarded through this part, not really interested in the sex scenes. Ron’s face broke out in a wicked grin. Just wait, assholes, he thought to himself. The fun hasn’t even begun yet.

After they finished and got dressed, Nancy turned to George.

“So, when are your buddies going to take Ron?” she asked.

“Probably tomorrow afternoon after you leave for school. They’re going to follow him in their van and grab him at the earliest convenience,” George said. “We know of a good place over by the lake. They’re going to fuck him real good, then I’m going to shoot him right between the eyes. After that, we’ll dispose of his body in the lake so he can become fish food.”

“I wish you wouldn’t do it,” she said.

“Well, it’s gonna happen and there ain’t shit you or anyone else can do about it,” John said. “Now, don’t get all brave and shit. Don’t say a fucking thing to anyone about it, you hear? Otherwise, we’ll tell the cops it was all your idea.” Nancy nodded her head, slowly. Ron could see she wasn’t comfortable about any of this.

They left the room and Nancy began sobbing. After several minutes, she went into the bathroom to shower and clean up for school. After the video ended, he checked his vitals and his body measurements to compare from the previous day and was happy to see there was almost no change from the last time he checked. He decided not to give himself any more of his concoction until the morning, when he would probably need it.

Just then, his phone rang. It was his mother. He answered it, knowing pretty much what she was going to say.

“Ron, you need to meet me at the hospital,” she said. “They’re taking Dad and the boys down.”

“For what?” he asked.

“Something’s wrong with their… things,” she said.

“Things?” Ron asked. “What things?”

“You know, their… penises,” she said.

“What did they do, try to screw a light socket?” he asked.

“Don’t be sarcastic, Ron,” she said. “They’re in pain. Their penises have turned all black. I had to call 911 and they came out with an ambulance. I also called Lisa and she’s on her way there as well. Please, can you meet me at the hospital?”

“Okay, give me a couple minutes, I have an errand to run,” he said.

“Thanks, Ron,” she said before hanging up. Ron opened his phone book and dialed the number he was looking for.

“Police Department, Homicide,” said the woman who answered.

“Yes, I’d like to speak to someone about a plot to commit rape and murder,” Ron said.

“One moment, please,” the woman said. After a minute of electronic music, a man’s voice came on the line.

“Homicide, Detective Sparks,” the man said.

“Detective, my name is Ron Black, and I’d like to report a plot to commit rape and murder,” Ron said.

“Tell me what you know, sir,” Detective Sparks said. Ron gave a brief sketch of the situation and told him everything he heard his brothers say.

“Do you know where the perpetrators are now?” Detective Sparks asked when Ron finished.

“They’re on their way to the hospital,” Ron said. “They may even be in surgery now for all I know.”

“What are they in the hospital for?” the detective asked.

“Something about their penises,” Ron said. “From what my mother told me on the phone, it sounds like they may have to be amputated.”

“I see,” Detective Sparks said.

“I’m on my way down there now,” Ron said. “Can you or one of your officers meet me there? I have them plotting this out on video and I can let you have a copy.”

“Absolutely,” the detective said. “We’ll see you there.”

Ron hung up the phone and laughed as he copied the incriminating videos to a thumb drive. Locking everything up, he headed to the hospital, carrying his laptop and the thumb drive. He found a place to park and headed for the Emergency Room. Once inside, he spoke to the person at the front desk and was directed to the area where the three men were undergoing surgery. He spotted Lisa and his mother talking to a man in a cheap suit. A uniformed police officer was with them.

“Hi, Mom,” Ron said as he approached them. “How’s Dad and the boys?”

“Not good,” she said, crying. “They’re in surgery now. The doctor said they have to amputate their penises.”

“Hmmm,” Ron said. “Sorry to hear that.”

The suit looked at Ron.

“Are you Ron Black?” he asked. Ron nodded his head.

“I am,” Ron said. “And you must be Detective Sparks.”

“Yes,” he said. He pointed to a couple chairs in the waiting area. “Care to talk about this?”

“Sure,” Ron said. His mother spoke up.

“What’s this all about, Ron?” she asked. “What’s going on?”

“Well, Mom, since this will affect you as well, you probably should know,” Ron said. He motioned for Lisa to follow them as well. After they sat down, Ron pulled out his laptop and plugged in the thumb drive. June and Lisa gasped as they saw Nancy with the three men. “Okay,” Ron said. “Listen to this.” He played the video loud enough so Detective Sparks, his mother and Lisa could all hear what was being said.

He fast-forwarded through the sex scenes to play the end, but June saw enough to know what was going on. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the three men take Nancy. Ron played the part at the end where George and John laid out the plan. When it was finished, he ended the video, pulled out the drive and handed it to Detective Sparks.

“Do you have any idea who their accomplices might be?” Detective Sparks asked.

“No sir, I don’t,” Ron said. “It could be someone they work with or someone they go drinking with.” Sparks looked at June.

“Did you know anything about this?” he asked her. June shook her head.

“No, Detective, I had no idea,” she said. “If I had, I would’ve cut their dicks off myself.” He smiled and nodded his head.

“I understand,” he said. He looked back at Ron.

“You didn’t see any van on your way over here?” he asked.

“No, I didn’t,” Ron said.

“Okay. So whatever they plan to do, it’ll probably be in the morning,” he said. “You say your wife is in school right now?”

“Supposedly,” Ron said.

“I see,” Sparks said. “I’ll have to bring her in for questioning. I don’t know if the DA will want to charge her or not. She doesn’t appear to be a conspirator, but she’s still an accomplice, even if it’s after the fact. He may want to offer her a plea deal. I don’t know.”

“Do what you have to, Detective,” Ron said. “I’ve already started divorce proceedings and I had planned to kick her out of the house tonight.”

“Oh?” the detective asked. “Do you know where she’s going to stay?”

“Yes, I do,” Ron said. He gave the detective the address of the studio apartment he got for her that day.

“Thanks,” he said. “I’ll talk to the District Attorney about all this and see how he wants to handle it. In the meantime, I’ll have Officer Greene over there stay with the three men. I doubt they’ll be going anywhere. Mrs. Black, we’ll also need to do a search of your home.”

“Please,” she said. “Do whatever is necessary.”

“While you’re at it, Detective,” Ron said. “Could you look for some video?”

“What kind of video?” the detective asked. Lisa’s face turned red as Ron looked at her.

“Lisa, maybe you should talk with Mom in private for a minute, let her know what’s going on.” Ron suggested. She nodded her head and took her mother by the arm.

“What’s going on, Ron?” June asked.

“Lisa will tell you,” Ron said. He turned back to the detective. “My attorney told me today that he spoke to the District Attorney as well and he’s interested in following up on our cases. I have reason to believe my older sister was molested by the same three men a few years back. They claimed to have video of it and used that threat to keep her quiet.” Detective Sparks closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

“Holy fuck,” he said quietly. “Okay, I’ll get with the DA and see what he says. In the meantime, I’ll have some officers in your neighborhood. If we see a van anywhere near your place, we’ll deal with it. Will you be okay by yourself?”

“I’ll be fine, detective,” Ron said. Just then, they heard wailing from down the hall. Looking up, they saw June bent over, her hand over her mouth. She knows, Ron thought. Good girl, Lisa, he said to himself. Detective Sparks looked at Ron.

“You take care of them,” he said. “I’ll take care of the other three.” Ron nodded his head.

“Thanks, detective, I will,” Ron said. Detective Sparks spoke to Officer Greene then went to June and Lisa. After he spoke to them for a few minutes, he walked out, giving Ron a nod and a wave.

About an hour or so later, the doctor came out of the surgical suite and walked up to June and Lisa. Ron joined them as they went into one of the private conference rooms.

“We’ve finished the operation on your husband and two sons,” the doctor told June. “We had to amputate all but an inch of their penises. Unfortunately, they were completely rotted and had to be removed. We may have to remove their testicles as well. They’re in recovery now, and will probably be there for about an hour. We’ll have them taken to their rooms then. Just so you know, they can still urinate, but they’ll never be able to engage in any sexual activity. We’re going to keep them here for a few days to heal and make sure that whatever this is doesn’t spread. Do you know what they might have been doing to cause this?”

“They had sex with my wife a few hours before 911 was called,” Ron said. The doctor looked at him and nodded his head.

“When was the last time you had sex with her?” he asked.

“Maybe a day or two before this happened,” he said.

“I’ve never heard of sexual activity causing something like this, but maybe you should get tested for STDs anyway,” the doctor said. “We can do that here if you wish.”

“I think that would be a good idea,” Ron said.

“The nurse will let you know what rooms they’ll be in,” the doctor said as he prepared to leave. “We’ll be in touch if there are any complications.”

“Thank you doctor,” June said. As the doctor left the room, Ron saw a nurse approach him. He listened as they talked quietly. He only made out bits of the conversation, but clearly heard the doctor ask, “Four more? Just like the first three?” He heard the nurse’s response clearly: “Yes, just like those other three men. They’re in surgery now.” Ron smiled to himself.

An hour later, Ron, June and Lisa were escorted to the two adjacent rooms where Bob, George and John were now resting. As they walked in the first room where George and Bob were, they saw Officer Greene sitting in the hall between the doors. They also noticed the handcuffs on both men. A nurse was checking the monitors attached to both men.

“June…” George began before she cut him off.

“Shut up, asshole,” she said, shocking the nurse. “I saw the video of you three fucking Nancy. You’re Goddamn lucky that doctor cut your dicks off. If he hadn’t, I sure as well would. And I’m going to do everything I can to make sure all three of you go to jail for what you planned to do to Ron and what you did to Lisa, you sorry-assed piece of shit. And by the way, I’m divorcing you. I should have done it a long time ago.” She looked at George. “And you. I should have aborted you when I had the chance. You make me sick to my stomach. You’re dead to me. All three of you are dead to me and I never want to see you again as long as I live.”

“Mom, please,” George began. “This is all his fault,” he added, pointing at Ron.

“Bullshit,” she said. “Remember, I saw the video. I watched you. I heard what you planned to do to your own brother. You’re not my son anymore and I hope to God they give you the death penalty.” She turned on her heel and left the room to give John a similar speech. Ron smiled as he looked at the two men in their beds.

“So,” he said. “You were going to shoot me after you had me gang-raped. How’s that working out for you? Tell me, is it true the three of you molested Lisa?”

“Yeah, so what?” George growled through his pain. “I told you a long time ago I was going to make you pay. As for Lisa, she got what she deserved. Prancing around in those shorts of hers. What did she expect?”

“So you’re blaming her for what you did to her?” Ron asked.

“Yeah, what are you going to do about it, squirt?” George asked. “We won’t be in prison forever, asshole. Mark my words. When we’re out, I’m going to hunt both you and Lisa down and finish the job. I’m going to fucking kill both of you.”

“Shut up, George,” Bob said.

“No, no, let him talk,” Ron said. “I want to hear how he plans to kill us.”

“It’ll be a surprise,” George hissed. “You’ll never see me coming, you limp-dick asshole.” Ron laughed.

“At least I still HAVE a dick,” Ron said. He looked around and saw the nurse staring at them, her eyes wide. “Did you hear what he said?” he asked her. She nodded her head.

“Yes, I did,” she said. “And I’ll be more than happy to testify.” She handed Ron a card with her name and contact info.

“And so did I,” said a voice at the door. Ron turned to see Officer Greene at the door. The large black man’s body took up nearly the entire door and he had a scowl on his face. Ron nodded his head and turned back to George, pulling an audio recorder out of his pocket. He pressed a couple buttons and all of them heard George’s recorded confession.

“Well, asshole,” Ron said. “That’s three of us who heard your confession, and I have it all recorded. I’ll make sure the DA gets this. By the way, the doctor says he may have to remove your testicles. And he also said you’ll never be able to engage in sexual activity. But I don’t think that’ll be much of a problem where you’re going. I understand people like you don’t do too well in prison.” Officer Greene and the nurse chuckled at that. “Have a nice day,” Ron said on his way out the door.

He walked into John’s room to see his older brother shackled to his bed just like George and Bob. He walked up to John with a smile on his face.

“By the way, dickhead,” Ron said. “Your asshole brother confessed to your crimes. There were three witnesses and I have it all recorded for the DA. I just wanted you to know. Like I told them, the doctor said he may have to remove your testicles. You’ll be able to urinate, but you’ll never have sex again. I’m sure Bubba will be able to take care of that when you get to prison, though.” He chuckled as John’s face turned green. Ron said nothing, but turned and walked away, June and Lisa joining him.

They walked to the hospital’s coffee shop and sat at a table as Ron bought them a latte. June looked like she was about to start crying.

“What’s going to happen to me, Ron?” she asked through her tears. “I have no income, no job, no skills, nothing. We’re going to lose the house and everything.”

“We’ll get to that in a minute, Mom,” Ron said. “I want to know something from you first.”

“What’s that?” she asked through her tears.

“Did you ever really love me as a child?” he asked. She blinked as she looked at him, surprised.

“Of course I did, Ron,” she said. “I still do. You’re my son. You know that.”

“No, Mom, I don’t,” he said. “You berated me as a kid, constantly telling me I should be like the other boys. Granted, you never abused me, and you weren’t quite as cold and hard as Dad and the boys, but I don’t ever remember you telling me that you loved me. When I was in college, you never even sent me so much as a card for Christmas or my birthday. Why?”

“I’m sorry, Ron,” she said. “That was your father’s doing. He was so overbearing and they were always so jealous of you. He was afraid you’d turn into a ‘mama’s boy.’ It only got worse after you left and he lost his job.”

“Did he ever abuse you?” Ron asked. Her face turned red and she looked away, embarrassed. After a moment, she wiped a tear from her eye and responded.

“A few times, but I guess I deserved it,” she said.

“No, Mom, you didn’t deserve it,” Ron said. “If anyone deserves it, it’s those three assholes upstairs. Did you know what they were doing to Lisa? By the way, Lisa, George confessed and I have it on audio.”

“No, Ron, I never knew,” she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. “If I had, I would’ve shot them myself.”

“Did you know that Grandpa bought the mortgage on your house?” he asked. She shook her head.

“No, I didn’t,” she said. “Your father took care of all that stuff and I was never allowed to see any of the statements. I don’t even know how to pay the bills or write a check. He gave me cash to buy groceries and that was it. Sometimes, he gave me a few extra dollars for clothes or to get my hair done.” Ron looked at Lisa and saw her nodding her head slightly.

“Well, Grandpa put your house in his trust and Dad paid a little bit for rent every month,” Ron said. “That’s the only reason you never lost the house. Grandpa put Lisa and I in charge of the trust, so we can pretty much do what we want with it. I have no problem with you staying there as long as you want, and I think Lisa agrees with me.”

“I do,” Lisa said. Ron nodded his head.

“We also talked about setting you up with a fund so you can take care of yourself,” he said. “Lisa and I can help you get on your feet and show you how to handle your bills if you want. Hell, I’ll even pay for your divorce. Grandpa’s attorney is handling mine and I’m sure he’ll take care of yours as well.” June looked at Ron, her eyes overflowing with tears.

“You would do all that for me?” she asked. “Even after everything that’s happened?”

“Yes, Mom,” Ron said. “I would.” June broke down sobbing. Lisa wrapped her arms around June, tears falling from her eyes. “Something Grandpa once told me about tempering justice with a bit of mercy.” June looked up at him.

“You’re a lot like your grandfather,” she said. Ron smiled.

“Thanks,” he said. “I like to think so.”

“I’m talking about my father,” she said. “You never met him. He died before you were born. You even look a lot like him. I think you really would have liked him. He and your father never got along. They argued all the time. Maybe that’s why your father never took to you. You reminded him too much of my dad.” That made sense to Ron. June looked at Ron after she settled down.

“So what are you going to do about Nancy?” she asked.

“I’m started divorce proceedings and I’m kicking her out tonight,” Ron said. “Assuming she’s not in jail.”

“I don’t blame you,” she said. “I’m so sorry about everything, Ron. I do love you. You’ll always be my baby boy.” Ron smiled at that.

“I love you too, Mom,” he said. They stood up from the table.

“Can you ever forgive me?” June asked. Ron wrapped his arms around her.

“Of course I forgive you,” he said as she held him tight for several minutes.

“I’ve got to get home,” June said after they ended their hug. “I’m a mess.” June and Lisa hugged for a few minutes. After June left, Lisa looked at Ron.

“That was a sweet thing you did, Ron,” she said. “Thanks.” He looked back at her before giving her a hug.

“Any time,” he said. “What she said makes sense to me. I guess with Dad out of commission, I’ll have to take care of Grandpa’s funeral arrangements now.”

“I’ll help you with that,” she said.

“Thanks,” he said. “I’ll need all the help I can get.” He looked at his watch. “I guess I’d better get home and get ready to deal with Nancy.”

“Okay,” she said. “Let me know how it goes. Call if you need anything.”

To be continued…

Note: In 2016, a 50-year-old man from Nicaragua had his penis amputated after he got it stuck in a bottle he used as a sex toy. According to doctors, the organ died after the flow of blood was stopped. In 2019, another man had to have part of his penis removed after a painful two-day erection. Penectomies have also been used to treat certain medical conditions and in the event of botched childhood circumcisions. Oddly enough, some have even done it voluntarily.

