Christo Nar
2 min readOct 18, 2016


Jordan’s a great writer and I’ve always found his pieces insightful and informative. This one is too, provided you already believe that all of us Trump fans are ignorant and racist. His descriptions may or may not be fictional, but are at the very least well selected to present the picture that he and his employers want to convey. This is very high quality propaganda. That’s not an insult. This article was never intended to be an objective piece of journalism but rather as colorful opinion. I disagree with his portrayal, but I admire its quality. My only quibble is with his characterization that Trump “boasted about sexually assaulting women… and women stepped forward to confirm that such boasts were true.” That statement is false in all senses. Allegations are not confirmation of fact, nor did Trump ever state that he did such things. Go ahead and freak out, but those are the facts. Now, my intent is not to defend Trump, so I’ll stop there. What I want to do is ask yall something.

Why do you want entrust more power to the federal government? Do you trust the career politicians that have made millions from holding public office? If so, what do you trust them to do for you, your friends, family, and neighbors? I’m confused that people are so emotionally invested in the victory of “the Man” (federal government, Wall Street, major corporations, celebrities, international financial interests and governments, both major political parties). Hillary Clinton is clearly “The Establishment” representative. She’s made hundreds of millions of dollars from her “public service” and has been at or near the top of a system which many of you believe to be inherently racist and bigoted. There have been many allegations and countless examples of misdeeds while holding public office, possibly criminal. There is vast evidence of collusion with major media figures and their corporate parents clearly advocate for her campaign. Do you trust Clinton and the politicians, CEOs, and other rich and powerful figures that back her candidacy? Have you read any of the Wikileaks emails, or do you share the opinion of CNN (Time Warner) that to do so would be illegal? Do you want to know who and what you’re voting for, or would you rather blindly follow marching orders?

I’m certain many of you will attack me — if there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading the comments on The Ringer’s anti-Trump articles it’s that challenging or contrary opinions are not welcome and that expressing them invites a great deal of hatred — but do me a favor and answer some of those questions while you’re at it.

Thank you.

Oh, and Jordan if you happen to read this: Have you written a follow up piece to the article about the death of the high school basketball player in Georgia? If so, where can I read it? That was a fascinating and heart-rending article and I’d like to know if anything has been resolved.

