How-To: Jumping Forward to Squat Pose (Malasana)

Neil Spencer
3 min readApr 22, 2022


There’s tons to learn about your yoga besides the handstand…on your journey to the handstand.

In yoga, getting your feet from the front of the mat, to the back of the mat, and to the front again — happens a ton.

All of this back and forth can get a little monotonous. Especially if you’re really after advancing your practice, and getting the handstand.

Most yoga classes are taught with a target skill level in mind. Beginner, Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced.

A lot of the more challenging poses, worth investing your time in — don’t fit into any of these categories above.

They’re in an advanced category all their own → Advanced (not taught in studios).

As your strength begins to improve, you may find yourself craving something more….CC:


& Creative

One of these moves, is the elusive jumping forward to squat pose (malasana).

Elusive, because jumping forward to squat pose is a movement offered, but I’ve never seen it broken in detail before.

How-To: Jumping Forward to Squat Pose (Malasana)

  1. Palms firmly rooted, and fix your gaze

2. Exhale: Bend your knees and engage your core

3. Tuck your tailbone, and bend your knees further as you begin your hop into the air

4. Extend your legs, and your shoulders move over your wrists

5. Gaze steady, hold your core tight, tuck your tailbone, and bring your knees into the bottom of your ribs

6. Really hold the engagement as you release your feet to the floor

7. Keep your hips high

8. Hold the core engagement until your heels reach the ground

9. Squat Pose — Malasana

Hint: One of the biggest things I’ve seen other yogis and yoginis do incorrectly, is lifting their hands off the mat — before their heels touch the ground.

The hands need to stay firmly rooted into the mat for the duration of the movement…and then a bit longer.

Because, they’re your root for a brief moment…instead of your feet.

Keep working on your most important attribute…

Your courage

Be well, train hard


If you’re working on your yoga handstand journey right now, come join my free Facebook group!

I’m creating an awesome group of yogis/yoginis who love advancing all aspects of their yoga (especially working on their handstands), and would be thrilled to be apart of a rad yoga community focused on a heart-centered approach.

Ground to Crown Yoga:



Neil Spencer

Burner, Online Yoga Teacher / Entrepreneur / Ground To Crown Yoga — Program: Heart of Handstands -Learn to stand on your hands from a heart ❤️ centered approach