
Sadie McFarlane
1 min readMay 26, 2016

Sadly, my loving marriage didn’t work out as well as the Lovings’ — too many cultural differences in our understanding of what marriage means — but my kids have been a brilliant adventure and constant learning experience for me. Seeing what they’ve gone through — including the different opinions, and treatments, of them based on their differing skin tones — has given me an unimaginably deeper understanding of what it means to be a person of color in America, or the world. They can visit Jamaica and stay in a town composed almost entirely of their relatives—an experience I never could possibly have provided for them! And it is truly a blessing that there are more and more people with whom they share a diversity of background, and from whom they can learn about each others’ variety of cultures and experiences. The Lovings didn’t have that, but we’ve all gained so much from their brave romantic venture!

