How can I benefit from artificial intelligence for free?

Dimuthu Kalhara
2 min readApr 22, 2023


Benifits of artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence( AI) is snappily getting an integral part of our lives, and it’s no surprise that numerous of us are looking for ways to profit from it for free.

Fortunately, there are multitudinous ways to do so, ranging from exercising free AI- driven services to taking advantage of open- source AI tools. In this composition, we ’ll explore some of the ways you can profit from AI at no cost.

One of the simplest ways to profit from AI for free is to use services that are powered by AI. For illustration, Google’s services, similar as Google Charts and Google Translate, use AI to optimize your experience. also, Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are two of the most popular AI- powered virtual sidekicks.

exercising these services is a great way to get a taste of AI without having to invest any plutocrat. Another way to profit from AI for free is to use open- source AI tools. numerous of these tools are created and maintained by levies, and they can be used for a variety of tasks, from natural language processing to machine literacy.

There are indeed open- source AI tools for robotics, computer vision, and data analysis. By using these tools, you can learn the basics of AI and gain precious experience in the field.

also, there are a number of free online courses and tutorials on AI motifs. These can be a great way to get started with AI and learn further about the subject. spots like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer a range of AI- related courses, some of which are fully free. You can also find plenitude of tutorials and attendants online from sources similar as GitHub and Stack Overflow.

Eventually, there are multitudinous AI- related events, similar as conferences and hackathons, that are open to the public. Attending similar events can be a great way to learn further about AI and network with other AI suckers. For illustration, the AI Conference by O’Reilly is an periodic event that brings together experts in the field and offers a range of keynotes, panels, and shops.

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to profit from AI for free. From exercising free AI- driven services to taking advantage of open- source AI tools and attending events, there are plenitude of options available. So if you ’re looking to get a taste of AI without investing any plutocrat, take advantage of the free coffers mentioned in this composition.



Dimuthu Kalhara

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