Sadiqa Rana
1 min readFeb 27, 2023


The Nervous System Of Prawn

Prawns are crustaceans and have a relatively simple nervous system compared to vertebrates.

Their nervous system is composed of a brain, a ventral nerve cord, and a series of ganglia. The brain is located above the oesophagus and is composed of three fused segments: the protocerebrum, deutocerebrum, and tritocerebrum.

The ventral nerve cord runs along the ventral side of the body and is composed of a series of ganglia that are connected by nerves. The first ganglion is located in the head, and the rest are located along the ventral side of the body.

The nervous system of prawns is responsible for controlling various physiological processes such as movement, sensation, and feeding. The sensory organs of prawns, such as their eyes and antennae, are connected to the nervous system and provide information about the environment. The nervous system then processes this information and generates appropriate responses.

Overall, the nervous system of prawns is well adapted to their environment and allows them to efficiently navigate and survive in their aquatic habitats.

