Scott Anthony
41 min readJun 27, 2018
Photograph of a “Gay Pride” Hollywood sign and article title with a display of just some of the 18 speculative or verified actors and actresses from the Golden Age era’s secretive LGBTQ Hollywood community.

WARNING: You’re being cautioned that this article may not be suitable to some, as it contains graphic context and language of a sexual and explicit nature within the list’s discourse. Proceed as you may as you’ve been informatively advised.

Before I get into this, I want to make mention this article will contain: An extensive list of actors and actresses along with a representative photo of each actor and actress as well as documented information about their secretive sexual and erotic history all further down the editorial.

The month of June marks “Gay Pride” month which gave me a meritable notion to bring up an interesting and rather controversial topic especially about a Hollywood era where being gay in any shape or form was practically taboo of sorts during that time period. Now of course, today, one’s sexuality isn’t much of a big deal in our present societal landscape as there is more vast and varied sexuality types than ever before, to the point, it’s rather ridiculously head spinning, really, of just how many variances. Granted, that doesn’t exclude by any means there still isn’t objections from certain parties domestically and internationally on this matter.

Here we are going to dig a little on Hollywood actors and actresses that hid their personal…



Scott Anthony

Background in film, a cinephile enthusiast, who’s here to talk film, its talens, its history and its industry.