Are You Suffering from an Acute or a Chronic Disease? Why not try Chinese Medicine?

Dr Sadlon
2 min readNov 18, 2016


An integral part of a larger healing system i.e. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine is considered to be one of the best among-st all the available healing methodologies within this area. Practiced extensively across healthcare centers in China alongside Western medicine, Chinese medicine prescribes the usage of Chinese herbs to regulate the imbalanced energy, or qi flowing across invisible channels or meridians in the body. Practitioners of Chinese Medicine in Brighton have the knowledge and expertise of treating wide range of acute and chronic disease.

TCM takes into consideration thorough analysis of signs and symptoms along with diagnosis of pulse and tongue to get a detailed and clear picture of the course and procedure of disease. Depending upon a person’s individual requirement, practitioners of Chinese medicine, prescribe herbal concoction to be consumed on a daily basis as a part of their food intake. This allows for a powerful yet effective treatment with minimal or no side effects. In fact, research conducted across China and the western nations suggest the efficacy and merit of Chinese medicine for people of different age groups.

According to the traditional Chinese medicine philosophy, the organs of our body — is composed of five different elements including earth, fire, metal, water and wood. Concurrently, the herbs used in Chinese Medicine are classified as per the five tastes i.e. sweet, salty, pungent, sour and bitter. While most Chinese herbs are plant based, there are few that are made up of minerals and animal products as well.

Have a look at some of the reasons that accounts for the popularity of Chinese Herbal Medicine:

• Cost-effective: Herbal medicine is less expensive than allopathic medicines. They can be bought without prescription and are available in all medical stores.

• More Effective: Herbal medicines are more effective than allopathic medicine. As compared to chemical medicine prescribed by a mainstream doctor, Chinese herbal medicines do not have negative side effects.

• Treat Wide Range of Disorders: Herbal medicines can be effectively used to treat wide range of disorders such as gastrointestinal disorders, skin diseases, neurological conditions, Gynecological & Obstetrics and many more.

• Holistic Healing: Practitioners of Chinese Medicine focus on the innate self-healing ability of the body to heal. Instead of focusing on the suffered diseases, practitioners focus on the patients as a complete whole.

In recent times, doctors of mainstream medicine have accepted and used CHM as an alternative and complementary treatment alternative. All this and more has accounted to its popularity across the globe.

