Benefits of Acupuncture over Traditional Treatment

Dr Sadlon
2 min readFeb 9, 2017


Have you ever imagined yourself lying on a table with thin needles pricked over your body? The very thought might run shivers across your body…right? But are you aware of the fact that pricking thin needles all over your body is actually a medical treatment option that has gained popularity all across the globe and is recognized as acupuncture.

Acupuncture is an alternative or complementary treatment option to conventional medicine that dates backs to thousands of years. Drawing its origin in China, this age old practice of natural healing is aimed to offer holistic healing to individuals suffering from different health conditions. While how exactly acupuncture works remains unclear, it works on the philosophy of balance of energy forces that flow across our bodies.

This primitive treatment methodology that falls under the larger umbrella of Traditional Chinese Medicine believe that two opposing forces of energy i.e. yin and Yang flow across invisible channels or meridians present in our bodies. When an imbalance between two energy forces occurs, body tends to suffer from a disease. Practitioners of acupuncture use fine sterilized needles to release blockage in the flow of energy to create balance.

Research suggest that this age old therapy can be an effective treatment for a wide range of disorders right from back pain, nausea, and asthma to alleviating the symptoms of chemotherapy. Acupuncture offers several benefits which is why many patients, as well as doctors of modern medicine recommend it as complementary therapy.

A quick look at some of the benefits can guide you across the realm:

Quick recovery time: Being a drug-free and a non-invasive procedure, patients require very little time to recover. This means that you can recover from your condition within a couple of days depending on the severity of your condition.

Little to no side effects: Invasive surgery and pharmaceutical drugs come with a list of harsh side effects. This doesn’t happen with acupuncture that works naturally to unblock the flow of energy in the meridians present all across your body.

Holistic Healing: Besides coffering cure to several health ailments, acupuncture promotes the innate healing ability of your body, which in turn offers holistic healing to your body.

So, if you are looking for practitioners offering Acupuncture Services in Pittsford NY, make sure you engage the services of a reputed practitioner offering reliable services. Acupuncturists in NY are usually licensed and qualified.

