Stimulate Acupressure Points for Digestion to Get Rid of Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Dr Sadlon
2 min readApr 26, 2017


Some of the common digestive problems that most of us tend to have suffered from may include heartburn and acid reflux. Although, these problems if occur occasionally do not indicate any serious problem but if it occurs on a regular basis, it may warn of a more chronic condition such as GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux diseases). Heartburn may be accompanied with mild to severe chest pain along with a burning sensation due wide array of reasons.

Although, temporary relief can be enjoyed with several antacids and medications available over the counter, it is certainly not in your best interest to rely completely on pharmaceutical drugs. You can instead opt to treat acid reflux naturally with the help of certain alternative remedies that take a drug free approach to treatment. One of the best remedies for acid reflux and several digestive disorders include Acupressure.

Acupressure and its Role in Improving Digestion:

Acupressure is a healing practice that falls under the larger umbrella of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which believes that the seat of a long life could be attained through good digestion. As per the traditional Chinese medicine, the body is constantly balancing two opposing yet interdependent forces i.e. yin and yang, which is collectively known as qi.There are certain points on our body where these qi accumulates. The technique of stimulating these pressure points is known as ‘Acupressure’. Now, if we talk about the digestive disorders that can be cured by stimulating Acupressure Points for Digestion there are wide range of disorders that can be treated using acupressure.

There are several acupressure points on our feet, hands and stomach which if stimulated on daily basis can lead to a healthy digestive system. Talking specifically about heartburn and acid reflux, there are two pressure points on the stomach i.e. one above the naval and the other around 2 centimeters beneath it. Applying pressure on these points can provide effective relief from stomach pains, indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, constipation, abdominal contraction etc. To get fast and better results, Acupressure Stomach Points should be stimulated on a regular basis.

Yet another acupressure point that is found to be useful in treating gastric acid reflux is known as known as LV 3 or Liver 3 and is located on the foot, at the depression where the big toe and the second toe meet. By stimulating this pressure point using firm and steady pressure with the use of fingertips, several digestive problems such as diarrhoea, acid reflux, nausea, and vomiting can be treated.

