Understanding Identity and Access Management (IAM) in GCP: A Detailed Exploration

Sadok Smine
3 min readOct 10, 2023

Identity and Access Management (IAM) in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of tools and technologies that allow administrators to grant specific permissions to users, groups, and service accounts, ensuring only authorized entities can access GCP resources. IAM plays a pivotal role in securing your cloud resources and facilitating granular access control.

1. Core Concepts

a. Members:

Members can be a Google Account (for end-users), a Service Account (for applications), a Google Group, a G Suite domain, or even the entire public (in the case of public resources).

b. Roles:

Roles are collections of permissions. Instead of granting a user individual permissions, you grant them a role that has the required permissions bundled together. Examples include roles/viewer, roles/editor, and roles/owner.

c. Policies:

A policy is a combination of roles assigned to members. It dictates who (members) has what access (roles) to which resources.

d. Resource Hierarchy:

GCP resources are organized hierarchically. It starts from the Organization level, followed by Folders, then Projects, and finally individual resources like Compute Engine VM instances. IAM policies can be set at any of these levels.

2. Common IAM Roles

  • Owners: Have full control over all resources.
  • Editors: Can create, update, and delete resources but can’t control access to them.
  • Viewers: Can only view resources.

In addition to these primitive roles, there are many predefined roles tailored to specific GCP services, e.g., roles/pubsub.publisher for a Pub/Sub publisher.

IAM Roles in GCP

3. Setting Up IAM Permissions

a. Using GCP Console:

  1. Navigate to the IAM & Admin page in the GCP Console.
  2. Select a project, folder, or organization.
  3. Click ADD to add a new member. Provide the email address, select a role from the dropdown, and save.
Configuring IAM Permissions

b. Using gcloud CLI:

To add a user with editor privileges:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] --member=user:[USER_EMAIL] --role=roles/editor

4. Best Practices

a. Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP):

Always grant only the minimum required permissions. If a user only needs to view resources, don’t assign them the editor role.

b. Regularly Audit IAM Policies:

Periodically review and audit IAM permissions. Revoke any unnecessary or outdated permissions.

c. Use Service Accounts for Applications:

Instead of user accounts, use service accounts for applications requiring access to GCP resources.

d. Enable IAM Role Recommendations:

GCP provides IAM role recommendations based on past usage patterns. This helps in fine-tuning access.

5. Advanced Features

a. IAM Conditions:

Allows for setting fine-grained conditions on roles, such as limiting access to specific IP ranges or times of the day.

b. Custom Roles:

If predefined roles don’t fit your requirements, GCP allows for the creation of custom roles where you can handpick permissions.

c. IAM Troubleshooter:

A tool to diagnose and resolve access issues in GCP. If a user encounters an access-denied error, the troubleshooter can provide insights.

6. Conclusion

Identity and Access Management is a cornerstone of GCP’s security model. By mastering IAM concepts and best practices, organizations can ensure that their GCP resources remain secure while still being accessible to those who need them. As with all security measures, continuous monitoring, periodic audits, and adapting to new security challenges are key.



Sadok Smine

Cloud expert specializing in GCP, AWS & Azure. Empowering learners with hands-on courses to master cloud technologies. 🚀