saeeda bukhari
2 min readMar 10, 2016
Joseph Austin Benwell (1816–1886) — Muslim Wedding — Fellah Marriage in Latakia 1860

On social media, the headlines all agree about women’s day. Women’s equality is a good thing. Women are strong, women are doctors, while being mothers, and able to do anything they set their mind to.

However I believe that the big picture, is created by the little pictures, set at a local level and the story there is not always so clear. For example, my local library has a new museum area, it is quite impressive for a local library, and is interesting, engaging and informative.

One section of the display, features a number of local people from the past. The headlines read, “The Soldier’s Story”, “The Worker’s Story”, “The Leader’s Story”, and then…more recent history…”The Bride’s Story” and this story is of a local Muslim woman getting married. I searched in vain for the Muslim woman who was featured in ”The Doctor’s Story” , “The Journalist’s Story”, “The Midwife’s Story” or even “The Housewife’s Story” or “The Mother’s Story”. All of which contribute valuable work in society.

Let’s be clear, there is nothing wrong with a wedding story, however it would have been nice, to also see a story title about a woman, especially if that woman was from an ethnic minority, acknowledging how much we have achieved as women. Because we have, all over the world.

However at a local level, I have not done the work, I have not collected the photographic evidence of the contributions of ethnic women or women at all, in this area. I have not engaged with my local library to make sure they are represented, in the way I see them and I hope others do. I have not studied narrative, imagery and symbolism. I have not delved into language, how tiny small words can lift up, or belittle, which means I have not worked, to portray the kick ass woman I want to see, in strongest possible light. The lesson I took away was, the devil is in the detail, ignore the detail and the proclamations from on high become empty. For me as for anyone.


Muslim Wedding 1860 — Fellah Marriage in Latakia Artist Joseph Austin Benwell (1816–1886)

Further Reading

2016, 8th March, BBC, International Women’s Day striking images and quotes

2014, 10th June, Photo essay spotlights Palestinian women in physics by Kate Show. Phd

2014, 6th Oct Black women in Britain — from the Romans to the Windrush by Bim Adewamni

World’s Best Female Free Climber: 19 Year Old Sasha DiGiulan

2016, 2nd March, The Intercept, Read the Sexist Email Exchange About Rula Jebreal With Former AIPAC Spokesman by Murtaza Hussain and Glenn Greenwald

Edit History
A correction to the article, to reflect that the Wedding Story is titled the “The Bride’s story” in the Museum.