Quantum Capacity Part 2

Saeri Wilde
2 min readOct 18, 2019


If you haven’t already read Quantum Capacity Part 1… do that for this one to make sense. → https://medium.com/@saeriwilde/quantum-capacity-9c0383c612ab?source=friends_link&sk=2f5e585f89cf05d418a8dd404684e683

I was talking with someone yesterday who wants to interview me for an initiation summit with the theme of capacity. Like… OMGoddess, I have been OBSESSED with Initiation and how it relates to capacity!

So this part 2 is actually what I wrote to her, as when I was trying to explain it to her on our call… it was confusing to say the least! So I sent her Part 1, and in reading it again… I saw THIS:

Reading it again just now I can see that perhaps the “table” is probably a launch pad

We may sense it is not “the thing”

We also have a spaceship to build…

And THATS not the thing either!

But we can still embrace and enjoy the process of building the best launch pad and the best spaceship for who we are becoming to launch off and experience ourselves beyond the process that necessarily created those structures which then disappeared from our reality.

That they will disappear does not mean they have no business being created. It also doesn’t stop them from existing.

And the process we go through in owning that… that we want to launch in a spaceship, never see the launchpad again, maybe even discard the spaceship at some point… well that’s what builds our capacity to experience ourselves for who we really are.

I think we ultimately want to hover on the edge of creation fully awake. From there we could say “I don’t have to build a launch pad and a spaceship, but I want to.”


“What’s happening is that I’m launching to space and I am making a launchpad and spaceship”

Another way is to think we HAVE to build them and we get to have the same experience and get to launch in a spaceship. But that’s just a carrot we use to reduce our resistance to what’s happening that is in motion based on the core desire to hover on the edge of creation fully awake.

“I am One and I am this One”

Either way, we are building a launch pad and a spaceship.



Saeri Wilde

Mama, poet, guide, artist, quantum priestess, Initiation mentor Innerglowing.com