Eating the Rich: A Deliciously Controversial Slogan with a Rich History

4 min readApr 5, 2023


The saying “eat the rich” is a political slogan that originated in the late 18th century during the French Revolution. The phrase “manger les aristocrates” (eat aristocrats) was used by French revolutionaries to express their frustration with the wealthy elites who they believed were hoarding resources and exploiting the working class.

The phrase “eat the rich” gained wider popularity in the 1980s during a period of social and economic unrest in the United States and the United Kingdom. It was used as a metaphor to criticize the concentration of wealth and power among the super-rich, who were seen as contributing to societal inequality and economic hardship for the working class. The phrase has since been used by various social and political movements to express their frustration with economic inequality and advocate for more equitable distribution of wealth and resources.

The phrase “eat the rich” has been used in various contexts to express the idea that the wealthy and powerful are exploiting and oppressing the less fortunate in society. The sentiment behind the phrase is often one of anger and frustration with a system that seems to favor the rich at the expense of everyone else.

The phrase has been used by political activists, artists, and musicians to make a statement about wealth inequality and social injustice. For example, the band Aerosmith released a song called “Eat the Rich” in 1993, which criticized the greed and corruption of corporate executives.

The phrase has also been used in literature and film, such as in the dystopian novel “Snow Crash” by Neal Stephenson, where it is used as a rallying cry for a rebellion against a corporate-controlled society.

However, it is important to note that the phrase “eat the rich” is typically used metaphorically and is not meant to be taken literally. It is a call to action for social and economic justice, rather than a literal suggestion of violence or cannibalism.

The phrase “eat the rich” has also been used in political satire and comedy. For example, British comedian and writer Jonathan Swift used the idea of cannibalism in his satirical essay “A Modest Proposal” to criticize the English treatment of the Irish during the 18th century.

In contemporary times, the phrase has been used by various leftist and socialist movements, particularly those advocating for a more equal distribution of wealth and resources. Some have criticized the phrase as being too extreme or violent, while others argue that it is a provocative and effective way to draw attention to the issue of economic inequality.

It’s worth noting that while the phrase may be seen as extreme, it is rooted in a legitimate concern about the concentration of wealth and power among a small group of people, and the negative impact this can have on society as a whole. Critics of the phrase often argue that it is simplistic and ignores the complexities of wealth inequality, but proponents argue that it is a powerful way to raise awareness and spur action to address the issue.

While the phrase “eat the rich” is typically used metaphorically and is not meant to be taken literally, it can be seen as a reflection of the anger and frustration felt by many people who feel left behind by the current economic system.

The phrase has been particularly resonant in recent years, as economic inequality has continued to increase and the gap between the rich and the poor has widened. Many people feel that the wealthy are able to accumulate wealth and power at the expense of everyone else, and that this is an unjust and unsustainable system.

Some activists and thinkers have proposed various solutions to address the issue of economic inequality, such as progressive taxation, a minimum wage increase, and stronger labor protections. Others have advocated for more radical solutions, such as wealth redistribution and a complete overhaul of the economic system.

Regardless of the specific solution proposed, it is clear that the phrase “eat the rich” has struck a chord with many people who feel that the current economic system is unjust and unsustainable, and that action needs to be taken to address the issue of economic inequality. The French Revolution of the late 18th century was motivated in part by a desire to overthrow the aristocracy and establish a more egalitarian society. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was similarly motivated by a desire to overthrow the ruling class and establish a socialist system that would prioritize the needs of the working class.

While these revolutions were often violent and tumultuous, they were also motivated by a genuine desire to create a more just and equitable society. While the phrase “eat the rich” may be seen as extreme or provocative, it is ultimately a call to action for greater social and economic justice, and a recognition of the deep-seated frustrations and inequalities that many people feel in today’s world. The phrase “eat the rich” may be provocative, but it is ultimately a call to action for greater social and economic justice. It is a reminder that we cannot sit idly by while a small elite accumulates wealth and power at the expense of everyone else. Instead, we must work together to build a more equitable and sustainable future, one where everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

