1.1 Thinking about my first app idea

Priyesh Patel
2 min readJun 14, 2017


Credits: iEmoji.com

The background

I completed a course on Introduction to Modern App Development on NPTEL. The course was thought by Tanmai Gopal sir(co-founder Hasura). They gave internship offers to many students who successfully completed the course. We were supposed to use and test the hasura platform.

The theme

  • Apps that solve local problems in your city/neighbourhood/college
  • Consumer-focused apps that provide information/an experience or connect people with similar needs.

The Web application idea

What is the idea?

I decided to develop a website, Engineering Assistant-Beyond Academics which helps Computer/Information Technology engineering students(or anyone who wants to learn computers) find the best resources for a particular topic offline(books) or online(videos, blogs, etc.).

Why I chose this idea?

One can help the community to which one belongs.

I as an engineering student found it very tedious to find more information and explanation on the internet beyond what the textbook provides for my subjects. My fellow students were facing the same problem.

What will my final product allow users to do?

It is a community based website where:

  • Students can list resources they found useful for a particular topic.
  • Students can search for the topic they are interested in learning.
  • If the resource is already listed you upvote it.
  • If the resource is bad, not relevant, does not fulfill its claims then you can downvote it.
  • I plan to add perks/medals if the resource one lists reaches some benchmark votes to encourage people to participate in the process.

The thinking process

This may not be applicable to general process of how to think of an idea. As the title says, this is first app idea.

  • No idea is a bad idea. Its implementation matters.
  • Don’t be over ambitious. Keep in mind the skills you have and the deadline to deliver the final product.
  • It should be a Minimal Viable Product(MVP). Contains just enough features for early users and all of them are fully working.
  • Do think about the logistics. Trying to built eCommerce without any plans to deliver the product makes no sense.
  • Your idea need not be unique. Again unique implementation matters.
  • Think of problems you face regularly and then an idea to solve them.




Priyesh Patel

I am a Computer Science graduate student — University at Buffalo. Looking for full-time opportunities.