Review about Jungle Kingdom How to Play Game

wsif Shahzad
3 min readApr 17, 2022


Wilderness Kingdom NFT-

Wilderness Kingdom is a NFT gamefi that involves pixel-craftsmanship creatures as principle characters. It has the monetary, expandable and practical qualities of an average game joined with ideas that characterize the metaverse. Players can utilize BNB counterparts AMT crypto to buy creatures and develop its natural surroundings as well as make moves up to foster their characters to acquire NFT and BNB reciprocals AMT benefits.

They have fostered a drawn out masterful course of action and enhanced gaming biological system to permit the game to utilize AMT tokens to remunerate players.

Sooner or later, creatures will rule our reality and our property in the future. Under the principles of Jungle Kingdom, lions will address the side of equity and battle the intruders drove by tigers to get their property. The lord of the lions is the head of soundness and request and it will lead different creatures into fight.

To safeguard their home and their property, it will enroll similar creatures to prepare together. In any case, the trespassers who are driven by the tigers will demolish obscurity and obliteration, they will mischief and kill other people who live in this kingdom the fight for endurance proactively started…

PVE Fight Guide

99 levels altogether Each level is in 1v1 mode
Every fighter goes through his own PVE level, and every legend has his own free advancement in PVE.

Challenge level-

Each fighter has instated HP at 1000
Each hero can have multiple times fight each day, and they can not go to the fight assuming their HP is under 200 Hero anamial will not recuperation the HP until player move it to the warehouse will auto recuperate 1 HP for every 86 sec.
Player will acquire the Experience Point and BNB counterparts AMT reward once they win the fight Player can overhaul the fighter creature when its XP compasses to a higher level-

PVE Prize PVEC Focuses-

Assault: Ascertain assault in each fight will further develop win rate
Safeguard: Ascertain guard in each fight will lessen the harm for hero creatures
Speed Work out remuneration BNB reciprocals AMT
Each assignment has its essential BNB reward, stas examination will used to work out win rate and BNB reciprocals AMT rewards)
Models :PVE
Hero attribute:Attack=300, Defense=500, Speed=600, HP=1000
Foe property :Combat likelihood 70% , HP=200, XP=100, BNB=0.015

Get Prizes-

Each time they win the fight or effectively exchange the NFT will acquire BNB counterparts AMT award and all advantages will be placed into the players’ walletAll acquired AMT can be pull out following 48 hours If you have any desire to pull out acquired advantage to your blockchain wallet, we should charge 0%-20% additional charge.


In the event that you pull out the sum to the blockchain wallet right away,
you really want to pay a 20% additional charge expense In the event that withdrawal happens over 5 days and under 10 days,you want to pay a 10% additional charge expenseOn the off chance that withdrawal happens over 10 days after you gain the prize Free.


Author details:
My bitcointalk profile link:;u=3327280

