Safe Harbor Treatment Center
3 min readApr 14, 2017

Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms

Adderall is a prescription drug used for the treatment of narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This drug contains two stimulants, amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Adderall could lead to a forming habit and be the cause of abuse and addiction problem. This is why anyone under this prescription must not share it with an individual with a history of drug or substance abuse. If you took large doses of Adderall for prolonged periods and decide to stop taking this drug, the withdrawal stage could bring the following Adderall withdrawal symptoms:

Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms

Among the withdrawal symptoms that an individual who abused Adderall will experience while undergoing withdrawal is the feeling of anxiety. This condition may become severe depending on the amount of doses taken and duration of abuse. The person may feel anxious or nervous for no reason.

Change in appetite
Weaning off from Adderall can also affect your appetite, increasing your desire to eat more. In fact, people who become addicted to this drug and quit could experience hunger pangs often.

Lack of concentration
Taking larger doses of Adderall can lead to lack of concentration the moment you stop taking this medication. There are cases wherein the ADHD of the person who abused this drug will notice his or her condition to worsen because the drug may have used some of your dopamine stores. It will be a while before your dopamine will return to its normal level and your ability to concentrate will resume.

Feeling of anger
Some individuals who abused Adderrall will also experience feeling of anger when they stopped taking it. Adderall is used to calm patients with their attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and when undergoing withdrawal, they lose the ability to be in control, making them more vulnerable to being angry.

Intense cravings
One of the Adderall withdrawal symptoms that a person will experience while quitting from this drug is the intense cravings during the first few weeks. As mentioned, abusing this drug could become habitual and it would be hard to an addict to function normally without it.

Crying spells
Addiction to Adderall could affect your brain’s normal function, particularly the neurotransmitters. During the withdrawal stage, the person with addiction problem to this drug may experience crying spells where he or she will become depress and start crying for no reason.

Feeling of depression is another common withdrawal symptom that a person will experience while quitting Adderall. This could probably due to low levels of dopamine after taking this drug.

While tapering from Adderall, it is a common experience for a person to complain of feeling dizzy during the few days of withdrawal, but will eventually subside as days pass by.

Adderall Addiction

Feeling of fatigue
The side effect of Adderall while under its medication is having more energy to do things. When a person decides to stop taking this drug, the feeling of fatigue may arise and could even worsen over time wherein the person will find it a struggle to get out of bed. This withdrawal symptom will go away after a few weeks or months and the persons’ natural energy levels will be restored.

Suicidal thoughts
One of the serious side effects of withdrawing from Adderall is having suicidal thoughts. This could be a tough time on the part of the person withdrawing from his or her addiction and the presence of a drug specialist is a must to ensure a successful recovery.

Among the dangerous Adderall withdrawal symptoms that a person suspected with addiction is having psychotic episodes. This arises because the dopamine receptors may become abnormally stimulated.

Safe Harbor Treatment Center

The Safe Harbor Treatment Center is offering intervention, drug, alcohol detox and rehabilitation services, all of which is custom-tailored to your addiction.