Communities Support Mike Schmidt for Multnomah County District Attorney


We Support Mike! Featuring Logos of Safety & Justice Oregon, APANO, Latino Network, Unite Oregon Action, East County Rising.

The importance of leadership is never clearer than in times of crisis. As Oregon continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the direction and resolve of our elected officials will shape our community’s health and well-being in this moment and for years to come. When Multnomah County voters decide who is the next district attorney for Oregon’s most populous district on May 19th, they will have an opportunity to set the course for a justice system that is more effective and fair for all.

There is a clear choice in this important race and our organizations — APANO (Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon), East County Rising PAC, Latino Network Action Fund, Safety and Justice Oregon and Unite Oregon Action — have all endorsed Mike Schmidt to be Multnomah County’s next district attorney.

District attorneys are key law enforcement leaders who hold immense influence over both the long-term approach to public safety as well as individual decisions that have lifelong impacts for both victims of crime and people charged and convicted. They set the direction for a justice system that is widely acknowledged to be rife with racial and ethnic disparities and ill-equipped to address the needs of those it serves. Each year, thousands of people in Multnomah County are funneled into prison and jails rather than getting the mental health and addiction treatment and housing support they need to thrive.

Elected every four years, district attorneys are, along with sheriffs, the only elected law enforcement at the local level. They decide whether to seek the death penalty and whether to pursue prosecution in the adult system for youth. They determine whether to hold police accountable for misconduct or violence and hold judgement over which victims are to be believed.

Multnomah County deserves a district attorney with a track record of reforming the rampant inequities in our system. As organizations that are working hard to fight for fairness in our system, it is critical we have a leader who fights with us to pass laws like HB 2355, the End Profiling Act. Our DA should have a proven history of working alongside diverse stakeholders to address the stark racial disparities in our drug laws, encourage police and sheriffs to break with the Oregon District Attorney Association and support policies that have already led to a meaningful decrease in the number of Black Oregonians saddled with felony convictions for first-time drug possession.

Counties across the country have shown us that real change is possible when people elect a district attorney who is a true advocate for reform. We can and must reject candidates who have chased a career of prosecution with no record of working with partners, no demonstrated interest in reform, and no curiosity about community concerns.

We are not alone in our belief that Mike Schmidt is the strongest candidate to be Multnomah County’s next district attorney. His endorsements include Multnomah County commissioners, City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, and numerous state legislators as well as Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese.

Mike knows how to manage an effective government agency. He currently leads Oregon’s Criminal Justice Commission, where he oversees a staff of 25 and a budget of $90 million to improve the legitimacy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the state’s criminal justice system. Among many important initiatives, Mike has helped secure federal funding to make invaluable criminal justice data available to the public.

The choice for district attorney is critically important for the immigrant community in the Portland area. We share our home with Oregonians from all over the world, and our families need a leader who has pledged not to assist ICE agents when they attempt to use courthouses as traps to target and detain immigrants, crime victims, or witnesses. Cooperation with ICE creates distrust in our local system and undermines its important work to protect victims regardless of their immigration status. All Oregonians should feel safe reporting crimes and showing up to court, and we need a district attorney who understands that we cannot use local resources to assist those who seek to undermine our safety by separating our neighbors from their families and communities.

The role of district attorney requires a commitment to the values that we share. Mike Schmidt is the only candidate who has a track record of promoting equity and fairness in the justice system and is committed to an effective approach to public safety that is rooted in transparent and accurate data rather than bias.

We are fortunate to have a leader like Mike in this race, and we encourage Multnomah County voters to vote for Mike on May 19th.



Partnership for Safety and Justice

Oregon’s leading voice for public safety and criminal justice reform.