Surfing Quotes to Inspire You- Saffa Surf Tours South Africa

Surfing is so much more than just a sport. It’s a way of life. Subsequently, it’s no surprise that people have been talking about surfing and its impact on their lives since it’s inception.

Saffa Surf
4 min readFeb 7, 2018

Recently, we spent some time researching the history of surfing. While scrolling through the world wide web, we came across some surf quotes that totally resonated with us. We decided to make them look good, and share them with you. Read below for a list of our top 10 most inspiring surfing quotes.

1. ‘ You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.’

John Kabat-Zinn dropping some knowledge bombs. Challenges are inevitable in life- what’s important, is how you react to them.

2. ‘Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.’

Surfing is as much a mental thing, as it is physical. It’s about overcoming the weaknesses of your mind, and embracing your passion for life. Laird Hamilton puts this notion to words perfectly.

3. ‘There are a million ways to surf, and as long as you’re smiling, you’re doing it right.’

In this short life we have, what’s the point in surfing (or doing anything for that matter), if it doesn’t make you happy? It doesn’t matter how you’re doing it, if you’re having fun while riding a wave, you’re doing it right.

4. ‘Surfing is the most blissful experience you can have on this planet, a taste of heaven.’

We’re sure any surfer would agree. There’s nothing quite like it.

5. ‘Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing, is the very thing that will set you free.’

Something to think about next time you’re faced with an intimidatingly heavy set.

6. ‘Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.’

We love this quote by Tony Robbins. It’s relevant not only to surfing, but to life in general. If we never push our limits, we’ll never grow.

7. ‘We’re all equal before a wave.’

Some wise words from Laird Hamilton- one of the most famous wave riders in the world. He’s challenged unridden waves and defied death on countless occasions, the guy knows what he’s talking about.

8. ‘Never drive away from good surf.’

Rule number bloody one!

9. ‘The three most important things in life: Surf, surf, surf.’

Any wave rider will know the truth in this statement by Jack O’Neill. You’ve simply got to keep your priorities in check.

10. ‘The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun.’

And finally, at the risk of sounding cheesy- we need to acknowledge this one.

Have you seen any inspiring or accurate surfing quotes that you think we need to add to our list? Comment below, we’d love to hear from you.

Originally published at on February 7, 2018.

