Reflective Journal Week 8: More Iterations & Current Progress

Saffat Waes
2 min readMay 26, 2017


Start of Week 8

24th of April, 2017


As you can see below, which was was another Iteration which I tried to perform while on our break, just something which may give ideas from here to extend upon. Other things which needed focus on was the cost of the project and how I wanted to tackle that, whether using Sigma Estimations was a valid option or scheduling through the use of Revit Scheduling, understanding which would be most appropriate for our project and lest time consuming.

Grasshopper Script

Below you can see my grasshopper script which was used to make my Iteration for the above image. This was more of a way to give ideas to our group rather than it being used as the final design.

Grasshopper Script

Sigma as a Central Hub

What is the story behind your research?

  • We want to understand the details and workflow of using Sigma, should we be using simple formulas in Revit/Dynamo considering the minimal components of the pavilion? What’s so special about this software in particular and how can it benefit us as a group in using it. These are some of the questions which arose, and we found some benefits which is why we think it may be more beneficial package for us to use.

What makes Sigma special? Why not use simple formulas?

  • Centralizing all BIM information within Sigma, acting as a BIM Hub because of the easy structuring and overview.
  • Generate tender materials, quotations lists and QA documentation.
  • Analysis and classification of project cost and model directly inside Sigma.
  • Data management, coordinating assembly/object information, along with instant changes in cost estimations while working on project within revit.


  • Custom made finishes/materials (easy solution would be to adjust the pricing from the market price) — Scale/Size Estimations

What is expected to be achieved in the next few weeks?

  • Subdivide the project based on specific task roles. This way, each team member has control over his or her portion of the design.
  • A local space where the central file will be stored.
  • Live connection between different software
  • Grouping and scheduling Revit elements to enable assembly off site and easy installation.
  • Informative Tagging Revit element system.
  • Centralizing all BIM information within Sigma, acting as a BIM Hub because of the easy structuring and overview.

