Saffers Mall
2 min readAug 12, 2015

The Necessity Of Marketing In Today’s Competitive World

Marketing plays the key role behind the success of any business. It has proved its importance to the company heads who have understood the necessity of marketing for staying ahead of their competitors & for running a successful & profitable business.

The importance of Network Marketing Opportunities: Marketing is no doubly playing a major role in deciding the success of any business. Proper marketing techniques ensure huge profits on the part of the business. The main motive of every business is profit maximization & thus goes to any extent to achieve this goal.

The role of the marketing individuals: Marketing is done by skilled & trained professionals who know the whereabouts of marketing techniques which can give the desired results for the clients. But with the changing time the techniques are also getting modified to meet the needs of the modern times. New young bright individuals who are intelligent & possess innovative thinking are changing the world of marketing & bringing new techniques in the field of marketing guaranteed to give results to the business companies who hire these individuals for the purpose of marketing. There are many big companies who have their own marketing team who take care of the whole marketing process of that company under whom the professionals are recruited.

What is marketing? Marketing is communicating the value of a product or service to the buyers in the consumer market. A business cannot take place without the consumers who buyers the goods from the sellers. Thus, consumers are a very vital part of any business & are given special importance by the companies. Business basically includes buying & selling of goods & services in the market. Marketing is a complex & elaborate process needed for every business.

The process of marketing: Marketing generally takes place before the launch of any product or services in the market. It includes portraying of the product & services in such a way that the consumers feel the urge to buy the products & services launched in the market. At first, the marketing individuals do the research & take the viewpoints of the consumers, and thenchalk out the plan for following the effective technique ofmarketing of the products & services. The job of these individuals does not end here; they have to take the notes about the reaction of the consumers while marketing the launched product & services. The notes are followed to make the further progress in the process of marketing.

The benefit of Multi-Level Marketing Opportunities: The companies who indulge in multilevel marketing, works by the commission system & depends on the sales persons for expanding their business who does the job of marketing their products& services to the consumers.