Another Tour Operators’ body?

Saffir Africa
3 min readOct 26, 2018


The TOSK Launches

Majority of new entry tour operators in the last ten years are not trained in hospitality industry standards. Many registered a business riding on their hobby or interest, as an opportunity to take others along on their own curated adventures.

You now have engineers, designers, doctors, lawyers and beauticians who turned their wanderlust into a thriving business. The beauty of this is a whole fresh look and perspective to selling destination Kenya. They bring a fresh take on adventure and travel; a different way to see and present places and experiences.

(Right) Guest of honor at the TOSK Launch, Judy Kepher Gona and (Right) Jacinta Kosgei, Marketing Director, Kenya Tourism Board.

This new tour operator is able to see past the beach and game drive safari. The Chief guest Judy Kepher Gona of Sustainable Tourism and Travel Agenda Kenya pinpointed the rapid growth of access to technology as a major driver of this shift in perspective towards valuing of experiences in travel.

Under-explored areas in Kenyan tourism include the alternative beach holidays along Lake Turkana, Lake Victoria Islands and Desert Safari in the North.

This backdrop of factors has therefore necessitated the need for self-regulation so as to ensure better service delivery, while keeping the packaging of Kenya as a destination dynamic for both local and international travelers. It is on this foundation that the Tour Operators Society of Kenya (TOSK), that launched on October 12, 2018, was built. It aims to foster a specific understanding of how these dynamics have shaped the new tour operator and traveler.

The premier business membership association will bring together tourism enterprises and associated businesses so as to nurture tour operators towards offering quality products and services to both domestic and inbound tourists.

There will I be a high focus towards encouraging members to reevaluate old attractions and discovering new ways to package untapped gems in Kenya for both the domestic and inbound traveler.

Stellamaris speaks about the aspirations of TOSK at the Launch on October 12, 2018 at The Concord Hotel in Nairobi.

Stellamaris of Stejos Stejos Tours and Travel, and the current chairperson of TOSK, recalled the beginnings of the body when many Tour Operators, unable to maintain the basic standards the nascent organization was setting for the industry, dropped off along the way.

Some of the Sponsors of this launch event themed “Sustainable Tourism”, included Alps Hotel Nakuru, Maili Saba Camp, Aberdare Cottages and Fishing Lodge, Fly Tristar, Diani Reef Resort and Spa, The Shaza, The Crandle Tented Camp, Loita Tepesua Community, Le Prestine hotel Nyeri, Giraffe Ark Game Lodge Nyeri, Kivu Resort Nakuru, Pride Inn Hotels and Versertile Photographers.

For more information about how to join the organization and what the organization portends for the industry, take a look at the website.



Saffir Africa

Travel destination marketing that advances experiential travel through technology, research, new media and innovative promotion of tourism and travel sector.