Honeit Case Study

tl;dr (the 2-minute summary)

5 min readNov 14, 2017

Honeit is re-engineering the interview by offering real-time interview software for recruiters and hiring teams. We redesigned the onboarding and post-interview flows of the site to increase user satisfaction and retention and focus the site on its primary business proposition: the interview.



“Honeit’s Awesome General Assembly Experience”

Competitive and Comparative Overview, Interviews, Information Architecture, Site Mapping, User Flows, Sketching, Wireframing, User Testing, Prototyping, Annotated Wireframes, Heuristic Analysis, Storytelling, Presenting
My Roles
UX consultant, Meeting Facilitator, Client Manager, Sketcher, Primary Wireframer, Competitive and Comparative Researcher, User Interviewer/Researcher/Tester, Prototyper, Annotator, Heuristic Evaluator, Chief Storyteller/Presenter
Sketch, InVision, Post Its, pencil and paper
Two and a half weeks
Kelsi Harris, Rachel Sweet, Sara McCaffree



Honeit is a platform that enables recruiters to record their interviews and tag parts of the recording that really stand out in snippets. After the interview, the recruiter can email the hiring manager with the good snippets so the hiring manager can hear what the candidate had to say and decide whether to move forward with the candidate. The goals of the product are to alleviate the pressure on the recruiter (who sometimes is asking questions to which they don’t know the answer, for instance, about programming languages) and to eliminate bias in the interview process. They came to us to investigate adding a new feature. After spending a few days playing with the product, we thought we could be of much more help by rearranging their site to really focus on their primary business proposition, which is the interview. We proposed redesigning the onboarding and post-interview flow, as well as sending them a heuristic analysis, to which they agreed.


Honeit is pretty unique in their space. Since they are focused on recruiters, we researched recruiting software companies like Jobvite and Greenhouse. We were told they did NOT want to have components of an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) so our goal was to identify what an ATS system does and eliminate any redundancies for Honeit. Honeit also has a scheduling component that we wanted to clean up, so we researched companies that do calendaring, like Genbook and InitialView. We were really inspired by InitialView’s calendaring system, which was really clean and easy to use. This analysis helped us figure out which features we wanted to include and improve.


We did usability testing of the whole Honeit process for the candidate with a few job seekers. We also interviewed a business owner, many hiring managers and a three HR leads. By doing this, we were able to focus on the pain points in the Honeit flow which helped us to prioritize what experiences to focus on and we ended up creating a journey map and doing some affinity mapping based on the feedback we’d been given. This was when we decided to work on the pre- and post-interview flow for the user (recruiter). We wanted to also make the candidate process smoother, but in the interests of time, we included that in our heuristic analysis. We were able to meet with the CEO and run him through the journey map and pain points and he signed off on our direction.


Honeit had pivoted from one business concept to another, so there were still elements of the previous site that were unnecessary. Instead of trying to eliminate those elements, we decided to start from scratch, figure out what we thought the ideal user flow would be and design from there. We thought it would be helpful for the recruiter to have a dashboard on the home page where they can see all their action items, so we came up with a chart for the buttons that would accompany the actions. At this point, we were focusing on interviews and candidates, as the CEO mentioned he still wanted to track candidates a little bit.


After we came up with our ideal user flows, we cut out anything that did not fit in and moved secondary elements to more logical places. We started sketching and testing the flows out on four users. We brought the CEO and CTO in to show them what we’d been working on and had a design studio with them.


We had sign-off from our client and user feedback, so we proceeded to sketch more and get more user feedback. We talked to two experts, and it was pointed out that our design was confusing since we still hadn’t honed the product down to its simplest elements (that was an accidental pun, I swear). Back to the drawing board — ACK! It was frustrating, but it’s better to scrap your plans early than further down in the process when you are more invested. We ended up getting ruthless with the design after talking to an Information Architect. I was really nervous that the CEO and CTO would hate what we were doing, so we scheduled a call with them ASAP. Unfortunately it was Friday when we settled on the right design, and we couldn’t reach them over the weekend. We spent the weekend wireframing our design and hoping Nick and James would be ok with our design. It was pretty nervewracking!


We went into the weekend feeling a little defeated, but one thing I learned from this project is that I can wireframe like crazy! I did everything but the home page. You can see the annotated wireframes I did here.


We were really lucky to have amazing clients. We were able to reach the CEO and CTO on Monday morning and talk them through our process on Thursday and Friday, which they signed off on. Thanks Nick and James! We spent the next two days building our presentation and finalizing our wireframes, and presented to the clients on Wednesday. They were really attentive and inquisitive — the perfect clients! We got great feedback from them, but the best feedback I heard was that the CEO was glad that we came to him with ideas about what could be fixed vs. just implementing another feature on their site. What a designer’s dream!

Nick and James, you were the best! Thank you!

You can see our final prototype here. You can see the heuristic analysis we did here. They also wrote about their experience with our team here.

