How TrueCircle AI is helping UPM secure the highest quality graphic paper

Safi (Formerly TrueCircle)
2 min readJul 15, 2022


Six months ago, TrueCircle installed our vision systems at the Allan Morris Recycling facility, where paper is collected and sorted for UPM. A graphic paper fraction of high purity is sorted and is then sent on to UPM’s paper mill.

Our systems are installed on the graphic paper outfeed lines to deliver composition analysis on all material AM are producing for UPM. This enables both companies to continuously monitor the quality of paper going to the paper mill and instantly respond to any dips in purity.

The dashboards

UPM now have access to invaluable data through their TrueCircle dashboards. They have a clear, live view of the exact quality of the material produced by the plant.

They can use their sampling dashboard to isolate and view only the batches of material that are being sent to the paper mill. This gives them visibility of the material that is far more accurate than manual sampling.

The TrueCircle dashboard provides them with accurate compositional data on all material with just a few clicks.

UPM now have access to invaluable data through their TrueCircle dashboards.

What’s next?

All this new data can be used to inform decisions throughout the facility. AM Recycling are running tests with different parts of the plant and measuring how they affect the quality of the material — they hope to be able to soon remove the need for manual sampling.

In addition, our vision systems are able to continuously identify further opportunities for saving operational costs, while also improving the plant capacity.

After the success of this first project together, UPM have now installed TrueCircle AI at an additional plant in Wales.

“The possibility to get detailed quality information on all the material arriving at a paper mill is an enormous advantage over a small manual sample.”

Dr. Michael Lindner, Researcher, UPM



Safi (Formerly TrueCircle)

Empowering the recycling industry with innovative technologies and solutions.