The Guide for MoreWithUs Users — Let Employers Find You and Make you a Job Offer

Busola Kabiawu
3 min readSep 14, 2021


Have you ever had anxiety about finding a job, whether it be an everyday job or a professional job? Are you reaching out to jobs and still not hearing back from them? MoreWithUs gives great opportunities to job seekers like yourself to be in the driver’s seat during the job search process.

Your first step is to create a profile at — check out our YouTube video on how to create a jobseeker profile. By doing this, your job is already halfway done. When creating a profile at, you are highlighting your soft skills and achievements like you would on a resume or if you were applying to a job. Also, you select the kinds of jobs that you want. The only difference is, employers are looking for YOU! They are the ones that will be reaching out to you and selling their company as a place that you should work! MoreWithUs allows small to mid-sized businesses to find talent among students and recent graduates find jobs.

Once you create a profile at you will see your profile on the job search results. You can update your profile whenever you want. After creating a profile at MoreWithUs, you become visible to the many employers that come to MoreWithUs everyday seeking potential employees like yourself. At this point, their goal is to get you to join their team. You are in the driver’s seat! You get to ask the employers why you should work there and what makes their company so unique from others.

As a MoreWithUs user, not only do employers get a first pick at you, but you also have the opportunity to win a scholarship. The MoreWithUs scholarships are awarded to two students, one high school and one college, $1,000 for each category. To be entered for the scholarship, all you need to do is tell us about your first job and make sure that you create your profile at! Furthermore, as a way to give back to the community, we also award $100 and $500 prizes through our social giving prize. The purpose of this prize is to give back and connect with people looking for part time and/or entry level jobs. In order to win the $100 prize, you or your organization must get 15 people to create profiles at For the grand prize of $500, you or your organization must get 30 people to create a profile. You gain an additional entry for every additional 10 jobseeker profiles. MoreWithUs offers the scholarships twice a year and the social giving three times a year. For more, see the About Us page on our website.

Finally, as a MoreWithUs user, you get a first hand look at individuals like yourself that have been acquiring soft skills throughout the years that have helped them succeed in life. The MoreWithUs Youth Work Ethics and Soft Skills project features videos of people like you talking about their first job experience. Check out the videos on our YouTube channel. Create a profile with MoreWithUs and get connected with employers looking for someone like you! We know that employers need you. Help us by creating a profile so that we can help employers easily find you.

