The Deflationary Mechanism of Safuu 2.0: How the Fire Pit and SHERIFF Work Together

SAFUU 2.0 Official
3 min readJun 28, 2024


Safuu 2.0 has introduced innovative deflationary mechanisms to enhance the value of its tokens and ensure long-term sustainability. Central to this strategy are the Fire Pit and SHERIFF systems, which work together to reduce the circulating supply of tokens, contributing to price appreciation and stability. In this article, we will explore how these mechanisms function and their impact on the Safuu 2.0 ecosystem.

The Fire Pit: A Constant Burn Mechanism

The Fire Pit is a core component of Safuu 2.0’s deflationary model. This mechanism operates by burning a portion of tokens from every transaction. Specifically, 1% of all Safuu 2.0 tokens traded are sent to the Fire Pit. This automatic burn process continuously removes tokens from circulation, thereby reducing the total supply over time. As the circulating supply decreases, the scarcity of the remaining tokens increases, potentially leading to higher token values.

Key Features of the Fire Pit:

  • Automatic Burning: 1% of every transaction is sent to the Fire Pit, ensuring a steady reduction in supply.
  • No Manual Intervention: The process is fully automated, requiring no manual input, which eliminates the risk of human error or manipulation.
  • Deflationary Pressure: By continuously decreasing the supply, the Fire Pit helps create upward pressure on the token’s price.
  • The Fire Pit address is: 0X000000000000000000000000000000000000

SHERIFF: Enhancing Deflation through External Revenue

Complementing the Fire Pit is the SHERIFF (Safuu High-Yielding External Revenue Income Fund Forever), an innovative mechanism designed to further enhance the deflationary model. SHERIFF utilizes protocol revenue generated through flash loans on the Base Blockchain. This revenue is then used to buy back and burn additional Safuu 2.0 tokens, creating a second layer of deflation.

How SHERIFF Works:

  • Revenue Generation: SHERIFF generates revenue through flash loans on the Base Blockchain, leveraging the lending platform Moonwell.
  • Token Buybacks: A portion of the revenue (5% of trading fees) is converted into Safuu 2.0 tokens via open market orders.
  • Additional Burns: These tokens are then burned, further reducing the circulating supply and enhancing the deflationary effect.

The Synergy Between Fire Pit and SHERIFF

The combined effect of the Fire Pit and SHERIFF creates a robust deflationary environment for Safuu 2.0. While the Fire Pit ensures a constant, predictable reduction in supply through transactional burns, SHERIFF adds an additional layer by using external revenue for further buybacks and burns. This dual approach not only stabilizes the token price but also provides a mechanism for continuous value appreciation.

Benefits of the Combined Mechanism:

  • Increased Token Value: By reducing the supply, both mechanisms contribute to increasing the scarcity and, consequently, the value of each token.
  • Enhanced Stability: Continuous burns help stabilize the token price by mitigating the impact of large sell-offs or market fluctuations.
  • Sustainable Growth: The use of external revenue through SHERIFF ensures that the burn process is sustainable and not solely reliant on transaction volume.


Safuu 2.0’s deflationary strategy, powered by the Fire Pit and SHERIFF, represents a significant innovation in the cryptocurrency space. By combining automatic transactional burns with strategic buybacks funded by external revenue, Safuu 2.0 creates a powerful deflationary effect that enhances token value and stability. Investors can look forward to a robust and sustainable ecosystem, where the value of their holdings is continuously supported by these advanced mechanisms.

For more detailed information, you can read the full Safuu 2.0 Whitepaper.


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SAFUU 2.0 Official

Safuu 2.0 is a DeFi protocol on the BASE Blockchain, offering up to 102,800% APY, innovative revenue models, and strong security. Join us now!