Tip 2 of 10 — Passion Fuels From The Inside — Part of “How To Build Your Personal Brand”

Safwan Hak
2 min readApr 15, 2016


This week we talk about passion, this is my second tip on — How To Build Your Personal Brand.

To develop a truly genuine brand you need to have passion and drive towards the career/role you want to succeed in. You need to focus on what awakes and stimulates your passion. These questions will help you focus on discovering what you are passionate about:

1. What excites you?

Theas are the things you love doing, can’t stop thinking about and wouldn’t mind doing for free. Life without them would be unbearable.

2. What do you want everyone to know?

True passion will set you on a mission, a quest to make everyone around you be as passionate about it as you are.

3. How can your passion drive you in your career?

The reason why many people don’t do something they truly like is because they don’t think their passion is career worthy. Once you have identified your passion, explore it on a larger scale. From cooking, music to planting trees, there is a career for every passion.

Passion is a huge part of who you are, your character and personality. Once you’ve figured out the reasons behind your passion you can learn how to express it to other people and feel more confident when talking about your personal brand.

To find out more about building a personal brand, visit here

Next week, we will cover Tip 3, “Show Your Value”

