Tip 5 of 10 — What Is Your Hook — Part of “How To Build Your Personal Brand”

Safwan Hak
2 min readMay 6, 2016


This week we talk about your hook, this is my fifth tip on — How To Build Your Personal Brand.

A hook is something that should attract attention or serve as an enticement. When forming a personal brand, these elements need to be captured when creating your hook. As attention spans are short, your hook needs to be sharp, engaging and leave people wanting to learn more about you. You can do this by asking and answering the questions below.

1. Can you effectively describe yourself in 140 characters?

When you have such a small place to write about yourself, it forces you to get a little creative and really think about who you are and what you absolutely want people to know about you. Pick words that describe your individuality.

2. How do you make people want to know more about you?

Have fun! Play with words. This this will make you memorable. People remember fun, not boring. This is the perfect place to show you are non-traditional and non-conformist.

When you have figured out the reason why you stand out and are worth listening to write your short bio, your personal elevator pitch and practice presenting it. Your personal brand will be much stronger and you will be able to keep a client or an employer hooked.

To find out more about building your brand, visit www.9sharp.com.

Next week, we will cover Tip 6, “Show your personality”

