Tip 6 of 10 — Show Your Personality — Part of “How To Build Your Personal Brand”

Safwan Hak
2 min readMay 13, 2016


This week we discuss how to showcase your personality, this is tip six on — How To Build Your Personal Brand.

To drive a unique personal brand, you need to be able to express your personality. This can be done by creating the right tone of voice and keep it consistent.

In a competitive market, your skills and knowledge will only take you so far and it is down to you to ensure your personality is being showcased. It can be difficult to convey your true self in writing compared to face-to-face, but with the use of online platforms you can express yourself through a number of mediums.

To effectively convey a tone that suits you as an individual the following questions need to be answered:

1. What do you need to do to sound like yourself?

The desire to fit into society and the fear of being judged force us to suppress our true nature. Get in touch with your inner child and let go of all of the stories, labels, and judgments that you have placed upon yourself.

2. How do you want your reader to feel?

Chose one of your main character traits and use it throughout your content. Keep you tone consistent and engaging. Use stories or anecdotes to drive your readers to the emotions you want to evoke.

Once you have figured out the right tone of voice that reflects your personality, it’s time to create content that incorporates this voice to make sure your brand is recognized as personal to you.

To find out more about building your brand, visit 9sharp.com.

Next week, we will cover Tip 7, “Be personal”

