Tip 9 of 10 — Maintaining your brand — Part of “How To Build Your Personal Brand”

Safwan Hak
2 min readJun 2, 2016


This week’s tip is on maintaining your brand, this is tip nine on — How To Build Your Personal Brand.

So you’ve spent the past few weeks developing your personal brand, thinking of ways that you can stand out and have received valuable feedback from those around you. What’s next? One of the keys to having your own brand is to maintain it so it doesn’t become stale or out of date.

1. Constantly update your brand

Keeping a flow of fresh content is fundamental in keeping your brand alive and engaging. The last thing you want to do is fall into the trap of trying to rehash the same old information or, even worse, completely ignoring the brand you’ve worked so hard to develop.

2.Refine your brand

Just because you have “launched” your brand to the public, doesn’t mean you can’t refine and polish as you go along. You may think of new ways to stand out or what makes you different. It’s important your brand continues growing and evolving with you.

To find out more about building your brand, visit www.9sharp.com.

Next week, we will cover our last Tip, “Version 1.0 of your brand”.

