Tip 8 of 10 — Test Driving Your Brand — Part of “How To Build Your Personal Brand”

Safwan Hak
1 min readMay 27, 2016


This week’s tip is about test driving your brand, this is tip eight on — How To Build Your Personal Brand.

Once you feel you have finished creating a representable and unique personal brand, the next step is to have your trusted colleagues, mentors, friends and family provide feedback and input. When you have their feedback, it is crucial to analyze it and ask them if the tone of your personal brand is reflective of you and your personality. When test driving your brand ask the following questions:

1. Is it me?

2. Is it interesting & compelling?

3. Is it authentic enough?

It is paramount to receive honest opinions and true feedback on your brand. Receiving genuine and constructive criticism will help to develop and strengthen your personal brand in areas you didn’t think needed it.

To find out more about building your brand, visit www.9sharp.com.

Next week, we will cover Tip 9 and 10, “Maintaining your brand” and ”Version 1.0 of your brand”

