Why Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best game of all time

Syed Safwan Ullah 25049
3 min readNov 14, 2021


red dead redemption 2

Story Summary

Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2 for short) is an old western which is a prequel to Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption, The story follows our protagonist Arthur Morgan as he works as an enforcer in the Van Der Linde gang , The opening of the game starts with Arthur and the gang escaping from the botched Black Water Ferry Raid, Where the gang planned to rob a ferry in the town of BlackWater , Unexpectedly the gang is swarmed by members of the Pinkerton Detective Agency and it turns into a massacre of both law officers and gang members, The gang escapes into the snow to buy out time, throughout the game there are 6 chapters in and in which major plot points occur, Arthur starts to have doubt in his father figure Dutch Van Der Linde and slowly starts to stand against his ideologies and during that the secondary antagonist of the game, Micah Bell starts to manipulate Dutch into letting certain gang members die and tries to distance his relationship with Arthur. Arthur starts as a bad man who commits crimes and kills and robs innocent people but after getting diagnosed with Tuberculosis , His world view changes and he tries his best to redeem his actions and help people, he particularly focuses on his friend and fellow gang member John Marston get out of the life of crime with his wife and son, At the end Arthur successfully helps John escape and confronts Dutch and Micah all the while the Pinkertons find them and attack them , it all turns into a blood bath with Arthur escaping to the mountains and getting cornered by Micah and Dutch, Arthur fights but its not enough and eventually the little humanity that is left in Dutch leaves him alive , After Dutch and Micah leave Arthur is left to die on the edge of the mountain staring into the rising sun as he succumbs to his disease knowing he died a good man.

Arthur Morgan

Gameplay and Graphics

The game offers alot of variety in the gameplay and has alot of different play styles, the game is filled with tons of side quests and stories to the point you have hours of entertainment, The controls are easy to remember and the difficulty is hard enough to the point where you have a challenge and easy enough that it isnt frustrating to play, The graphics are the best from this generation of games and is very identical to real life, The map is large enough that its never that old and takes while to remember and small enough so that you dont get lost, the world is filled with an amazing amount of detail to the point players to this day found new things from a game that was released 3 years ago.It tok 8 years for Rockstar to make this masterpiece and it shows.


Red Dead Redemption 2 has an enjoyable and complex story , awesome gameplay and graphics and an astonishing amount of detail, Sure it may have some flaws but the flaws are minor and its pros severely outweigh the cons , so in my opinion Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best game ever made. Thanks for reading!

