Sagal Shirwa
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

Shafi’s story: Never let your present situation define your future

In Somalia, unemployment is high, and a large number of young people are in difficult situations. Despite widespread unemployment, there are young people like Shafi'i who have overcome obstacles and started from the bottom. I was drawn to Shafi's story after seeing it on Facebook. I contacted him, and he was generous to shared with me his experience with me.

Shafici Ali Ibrahim was born in Elbur, in the Galgaduud region, and now lives in Mogadishu. He is one of the top Bank employers, having worked his way up from the bottom as a security guard and a driver while studying business at Banadir University, "one of Somalia's elite universities."

'I used my small salary to pay for my university tuition and household bills,' Shafi'i explained. 'I couldn't afford anything else.' He went on to say. Finally, he completed his education and went on to become the Asstence of the daily audit at the same bank where he worked as a security guard. "People weren't expecting me to reach this level, but I was working hard to excel in my career," he remarked when I asked him what people say to him when they see him in the office.

However, he is not as satisfied with this position as he was with his previous endeavour, but it has inspired him to further develop his skills, and he is completely motivated to pursue higher levels and contribute to the community, as well as consider leadership roles.

Shafia's journey is a symbol that hard work always pays off, no matter how difficult your position is. However, one should not rely only on hard work, but also on self-education and making use the available opportunities to them. In this strory, you can see how Shafi's future has been brightened by education snd self discipline. Shafi is an example to many unemployed youth. his message is to keep pushing and keep dreaming big.

As we can see, education is the best tool that every person can use to develop his or her life and transform other lives to better direction. This is a powerful and profound story and meaningful and Shafi is an examplary person.