Analytics Engineer Vs Data Engineer Vs Data Analyst

Sagar Bhandge | HiDatos
3 min readNov 28, 2022


As a data professional, you need to know the differences between these roles to help you choose the best position for your skillset. From my experience, I’d say a data engineer is more of an “artistic” job than an “engineering” one and offers more freedom in how he/she designs his/her code. Being a data analyst, on the other hand, involves using a lot of programming languages and tools like SAS or R. As for analytics engineering, again since it is an “art” occupation it requires different skills from an “engineering” standpoint like performance tuning and optimization.” If you’re in a confusion about data position, and not knowing which direction to move in with your data career, I hope you can use this to get a better understanding of the roles out there.

What is Analytics Engineer ?

Analytics engineers provide clean data sets in a way that empowers end users to ask their own questions. Analysts are tasked with analyzing data, whereas analytics engineer spends their time transforming and testing clean data sets using best practices such as version control and continuous integration. End users are given clean data sets by analysts, who spend their time evaluating the data.

The analytics code base is subjected to software engineering best practices such as version control and continuous integration rather than the work of a human analyst or the work of the business analysts writing specifications for new features. Analytics engineers centralize and automate the creation, processing, and storage of data. They model data to be clean, accurate and useful for different users within the company.

An analytics engineer is responsible for transforming and processing data without the use of programming languages or other tools. The team member carries out these responsibilities through their analysis of business problems and data understanding skills using research techniques such as critical thinking, decision making and technical analysis.

What is Data Engineering ?

The role of a data engineer is all about building the infrastructure that stores, processes and analyzes data. It can be very challenging, especially when dealing with large datasets. To tackle this, it’s important to understand your team’s workflow and how the different systems fit together. If you’re working on a SaaS product or want to create your own software as an engineer, learn how to write Python apps from scratch.

Data engineering is a broad field that involves creating tools and processes for extracting actionable information from existing data. The essential focus is on the creation of new forms of data for analysis, but data engineers also focus on transforming existing data into usable formats for use in analytics, business intelligence and data science. Data engineers design systems that collect, handle and convert raw data into usable information for data scientists to comprehend in a range of scenarios.

What is Data Analyst ?

Data analytics is an integral part of modern business. With it, you can find and fix problems before they become bad for business. Data analytics lets you quickly gather information about a product or process, and then look for patterns that allow you to spot opportunities and make optimizations that increase efficiency. Better efficiency means more money and happier customers. Data analytics can help businesses of all sizes improve their return on investment. The insights gained from data analytics will help businesses and individuals find a way to make it better.

Analytics Engineer Vs Data Engineer Vs Data Analyst

Here’s how I think about the different roles on modern data teams in larger organizations:

Choose your best path for your growth

Unlike analytics engineering, data engineering is not just about software. Data engineers play many roles within a company and have to be able to perform all tasks at once. You will see a broader array of jobs on LinkedIn, because businesses are focusing more on data-driven decisions. There is a great demand for both full-time and freelance data engineering candidates, so it’s important for you to focus on your ideal role as an individual instead of being too focused on a specific type of job or company

