Published inLive the life you loveAm I lovable?“Will someone love me? Will they keep loving me?”Mar 27, 20171Mar 27, 20171
Published inLive the life you loveDealing with bad feelings — LYL#21Let's fully accept that we all go through bad feelings, no matter how much we try to avoid them.Mar 22, 2017Mar 22, 2017
Published inLive the life you loveNature and II am worried, about us, the people, and the planet.Oct 17, 2016Oct 17, 2016
A chance to be a new meIn a new city, all by myself, no longer I judge people judging me, no longer I care about what I am projecting.Apr 12, 2016Apr 12, 2016
Just so you know, you are dyingIs the title really that surprising? You know this fact already don’t you?Feb 19, 20163Feb 19, 20163