SwiftUI Displaying a modal screen (fullScreenCover)In SwiftUI, you can display a modal screen using the fullScreenCover modifier. This modifier presents a view as a modal covering the entire…Mar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024
Tips and Considerations for Using Lazy Containers in SwiftUIUsing lazy containers in SwiftUI, such as LazyHStack, LazyVStack, and LazyVGrid, can greatly improve the performance of your app…Mar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024
How to check internet connection in SwiftUITo check for internet connectivity in a SwiftUI app, you can use the Network framework combined with SwiftUI's @State or @ObservedObject…Mar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024
Getting user location with SwiftUITo get the user’s location in a SwiftUI app, you can use the CoreLocation framework combined with SwiftUI's @State or @ObservedObject…Mar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024
How to use @Environment to share data between views in SwiftUISwiftUI, @Environment is used to share data between views by passing values down the view hierarchy. Here's how you can use @Environment to…Mar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024
Swift for Server-Side DevelopmentSwift is not only a great language for iOS and macOS app development but has also gained popularity for server-side development in recent…Sep 10, 2023Sep 10, 2023
Swift Testing and DebuggingTesting and debugging are critical aspects of software development in Swift. They help ensure your code works correctly, identify and fix…Sep 10, 2023Sep 10, 2023
Swift performance optimizationSwift performance optimization is an essential aspect of developing high-quality, efficient, and responsive applications. Here are some key…Sep 10, 2023Sep 10, 2023
Swift Package ManagerThe Swift Package Manager (SPM) is a tool developed by Apple for managing the distribution of Swift code as well as the building and…Sep 10, 2023Sep 10, 2023
Combine frameworkThe Combine framework is a powerful framework in Swift for handling asynchronous and event-driven code. It provides a declarative Swift API…Sep 10, 2023Sep 10, 2023