Poem: Legs


We watch each other…

In the tripod of our love.

Will you wobble, crack, disappear?

Each silently asking

Hoping that you, me, us

That the trifecta holds

You could give up on you

I could give up on me

That magical third leg could dissolve

Staring intently, willing strength and

one more day

Side-eye glances, just to make sure

Sometimes daring to trust it

Rest, relax, enjoy it.

Ease our whole weight upon the miracle.

Until a slight wobble, tilt

And we are back to watching.

Waiting, breath held

Praying silently for it

For you

For me

For us, this miracle

To hold steady.

By: SDeRosier



Sage DeRosier, LMFT

I show up, love unconditionally, provide cwtch, empower others, call out truths, champion emotional maturity, and embrace chaos. https://ko-fi.com/sagederosier