Why Tumblr is a toxic place

4 min readJan 5, 2016


Happy new year, folks! 2016 just started and there already are new “memes” going around. And if you’re one of those people that thought we could leave the stupidity of some people in 2015, I have to disappoint you; it still exist, and it might get worse this year.

Dear non-Tumblr user, consider yourself lucky. You don’t really want to know what’s going on on this site. Like, you really don’t want to know. Don’t expect Tumblr to be another blogging platform like Wordpress, Blogspot or even Medium. Taking a look at your “dashboard”, you’ll mostly see “aesthetics”, gifsets of the latest superwholock (Supernatural, Doctor Who, BBC Sherlock) episodes, random textposts, and, of course, memes. If you don’t know what memes are; basically they’re an inside joke everybody (kind of) understands.

But why should this website be “a toxic place”?

Tumblr might seem like a place for teenagers who aren’t obsessed with parties or social activities in general. Indeed, it was one. Until 2013, when people started to do become “weird”.

I do not remember when and why most users suddenly became “feminists” or why the term “social justice warrior” became a thing. I actually didn’t know it was a thing back in 2013; I didn’t know about this movement until 2014. When did we jump from “LMAO xDDDD” to “omg i’m so oppressed by white male cishets they trigger my anxiety”?

Oh, you don’t know what I’m talking about?

Do you want me to go on? Or is your brain melting like mine right now?

Let’s try to summarize this:

Tumblr is a place for crybabies with a self-diagnosed mental illness and a made up gender, including made up pronouns and sexualities, who yell “OPPRESSION”, “RAPE”, “THAT’S ABLEIST”, “CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE”, “DIE CIS SCUM” and “YOU’RE A SEXIST TRANSPHOBIC MISOGYNIST” every time someone doesn’t agree with their opinions.

It’s like a liberal college campus; full of special snowflakes. It’s epidemic! And it’s not just Tumblr anymore; the same people create Facebook pages and Twitter accounts to raise awareness for these people.

More and more people blindly follow this trend without doing any research. More teenagers start to question why free speech exists because the word “crazy” is ableist, according to them. More kids start to identify as a “deerkin”, a deer trapped in a human body, because it’s a “spiritual thing”. More people say cultural appropiation and rape culture are a thing while racism towards white people doesn’t exist.

Mentall illnesses and physical disabillities are glorified; a trend! Most of them self-diagnose themselves with anxiety or personality disorders, and are proud of it! If I would suffer from any of these, I would do anything to get rid of it! Why would you want to be ill? Do you even know how much people with mental disorders suffer?!

On Tumblr, it is okay to say “not all muslims, but yes, all men”. None of these SJWs talk about that men get raped as well because “all white cis males deserves it bc patriarchy”.

I do not question the existence of “asexuality” and “agender”, however, Tumblr people think it’s okay to label themselves as one of these just because they do not have any sexual desires yet, or just don’t want to be compared to a stereotypical women or men. This also counts for the new made up terms “demisexual”, “demigirl” and “demiboy”. And the romantic attractions like “biromantic” or “aromantic” are bullshit.

And this whole trigger warning thing. I’ll just let this speak for itself:

Seriously guys, do you actually go outside or do you lock yourself in your room when you’re supposed to?

I can’t take you seriously. I never will. You only feel so strong because everything happens on the internet, where you can benefit from anonymity. If you would do the same thing in real life, your parents would send you to a nuthouse!

And in 5 years, when you will say “it was just a phase”; everything you’ve ever done on websites like Tumblr is and always will be there. You can’t erase it from the internet entirely. The first thing your future boss will do is checking your social network accounts; no matter how hard you try to hide it from them, they will find it and everything you’ve done.

Good luck at creating a bright future, guys!

