The Biggest Obstacle is Someone You See in the Mirror Every Day

Dian Sage
3 min readJul 29, 2022


The greatest obstacle in life does not come from outside, but from within.

Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

“Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi

There is a story from one of the famous movies about the queen who rules the kingdom.

One day the queen asks the magic mirror.

The Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful person in the world?

The mirror says the most beautiful person in the world is you, my queen.

Is it true? The queen was so happy and walked the rest of the day with a smile on her face.

The next day the queen asked again with different questions.

The Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the worst person in the world?

The mirror says: The worst person in the world is you, my queen.

When the queen heard what the mirror said, she was very angry.

Hah? How come? I was once the most beautiful person in the world.

The queen smashes the mirror and is suddenly shocked that the face she sees in the mirror is a face like her.

What do you think about the story? Can you relate the story to your life?

Have you ever woken up one day with sunshine and butterfly feelings?

What are you thinking and feeling that day? You feel good and run very well all day, do not you?

How about another day?

What if you wake up the next day in the morning and hear and see something different? It could be a gloomy day or you have lost something you cherished the most.

Do you feel angry, disappointed, sad, etc? or do you still think and feel as positive as you did the day before?

The greatest obstacle in life does not come from outside, but from within.

It comes from someone you see in the mirror when you wake up every morning.

The one who is always with you in everything you do. It is your inner self.

On the journey of your life, you will struggle and fight them a lot.

This can be perspective, bad habits, mindset, negative feelings, temptations, the effects of past experiences, self-doubt, self-control, etc.

What matters is how you manage and control these invisible things.

A small issue mustn’t become a big issue. If you can not control every circumstance, you can at least control how you respond to it.

Thus, all these things will create either positive or negative energy for the rest of your day.

“The Biggest Obstacles in our Lives are the Barriers our mind Creates.” ~ Jake Ducey

Thank you for reading,

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Dian Sage

5X Top Writer, Tea Lover, Life Coach & Lifelong Learner. — I write about self-improvement, life lessons, mental health & well-being.