The Reality of Being a Womxn of Color Startup Founder during COVID-19 — And Grant Opportunities…Last summer I gathered over a dozen womxn of color startup founders and small business owners to connect in Seattle, Washington. We shared…Apr 4, 20201Apr 4, 20201
‘Cultural People Have to Become Political’: Seattle Aims to Raise Funds for the Protectors of…In 1985, professor and author Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask said, “You cannot just dance hula and go to Hawaiian language class at night and think…Aug 20, 2019Aug 20, 2019
Six Days on Mauna Kea Taught Me Lessons in Resiliency, Diplomacy, & Sustainability — World, Take…Native Hawaiians have a famous, steadfast motto, “Ua mau ke ea o ka ‘āina i ka pono,” which directly translates, “The life of the land is…Jul 30, 2019Jul 30, 2019
From a Native Millennial Daughter: #ProtectMaunaKeaI can distinctly remember the odor of coconut scented sunscreen invading my nose, wafting in the air — toxic and foreign, the sun beating…Jul 19, 2019Jul 19, 2019
What I’ve learned as a pay equity advocate & salary negotiation coachLast year I’ve spoken at 75+ speaking engagements, coached around 4,000+ women in 5 different cities, helped negotiate $500K in salary…Apr 2, 2019Apr 2, 2019
Womxn of Color in Silicon Valley: Startup Grind Global“I am a key maker, not a gatekeeper.”Feb 14, 2019Feb 14, 2019
The State of Womxn of Color 🇺🇸“Together, we are coming for America. For a better America.”Feb 8, 2019Feb 8, 2019